It’s Over: The Democrats And The Republicans Are Both Conspiring To Bankrupt America And Destroy Our

Total debt, not deficit you fools.

By this same logic, I can say the $6 Trillion in debt that GW Bush added was due to Clinton. And the $4 Trillion that Trump has added is due to Obama.

See how retarded your actual talking points are?
No, your talking points are retarded as are you are. This isn't some logical exercise. We are talking about history and actual events that really happened. This isn't like "your girlfriend in Canada" or "that time you hooked up with that hot girl".
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You amaze me @squarepush3r in that you have fooled yourself into thinking you know what you are talking about despite the fact that you read utter crap that leaves you without the basic understanding of events or their consequences.

I'll give you this though - when it comes to people who are clueless, or unstable, or socially retarded, you are the fucking gold standard.
I am going to wave a magic wand like you do, and claim that anything I don't like that happened during a presidency was due to the previous one. This is why no one takes you seriously.

Kind of like Obama's kids in cages.

Facts disagree with you. Bush inherited a surplus and left Obama a$1.6 trillion dollar deficit

And Obama didn’t separate kids from their parents, lock them in concentration camps for indefinite detention, and have dozens of kids dying. That’s trump you mangy cuck
Facts disagree with you. Bush inherited a surplus and left Obama a$1.6 trillion dollar deficit

And Obama didn’t separate kids from their parents, lock them in concentration camps for indefinite detention, and have dozens of kids dying. That’s trump you mangy cuck
I’ll agree with the numbers you quoted because I just checked them today. Multiple sources to be sure.
She’s too stupid to remember Bush and Paulson hauling ass to an emergency joint session of Congress called by him. They rushed in literally to the emergency session at night informing Congress they had until 0900 the next morning to pass this emergency expenditure or it was all over. Literally. Too big to fail. Engineering by the Republican Party. They already had the bill written and with them. Someone just sponsor it and give us the money. Custom legislation by ALEC.