

Has anyone heard of anything called bliss? I was at a festival in Missouri at the beginning of the summer and and ran across the wonderful party favor. It came as a powder in gel caps. It was a white, coke-like powder. We blew lines of it all night and it was incredible. It felt like Molly but even better. We went to an outdoor dubstep party and had a wonderful time. I can't find any information on it because it seems to be a new designer drug. I had a blast on it and wanted to know what it actually was before I get my hands on some more. If anyone knows anything about it, please chime in. It felt like the most incredible molly I have ever tried and yes, i have done molly multiple times.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of anything called bliss? I was at a festival in Missouri at the beginning of the summer and and ran across the wonderful party favor. It came as a powder in gel caps. It was a white, coke-like powder. We blew lines of it all night and it was incredible. It felt like Molly but even better. We went to an outdoor dubstep party and had a wonderful time. I can't find any information on it because it seems to be a new designer drug. I had a blast on it and wanted to know what it actually was before I get my hands on some more. If anyone knows anything about it, please chime in. It felt like the most incredible molly I have ever tried and yes, i have done molly multiple times.
More better then molly? That's an outstanding statement nonetheless!

The questions that come into play now are:

How long did this supposed drug last?

What were the main effects or components to the drug?

How long did it take for the drug to take effect?

Was there any other forms of ingestion other then insufflation?

How were the after effects?

It could of very well been mephedrone! But if it was, I wouldn't in no way compare it to mdma. Can't wait until Shepj steps in and takes a look at this report.


We blew 10-12 lines over the course of the night and stayed up until after 7am. It was a camping festival so we partied hard all night. The best way I can describe how it felt is with molly as an example, but I felt way more clear-headed. Absolute Euphoria is the only pure description I can give. It hit immedietely after insufflation (typical) and each line seemed to last for 35 to 40 minutes if I remember correctly. I know you can eat it because the people selling it told us to take a line in each nostril and to eat a bump for the best results. I never ate any, just blew lines. The come-down was hardly noticeable and seemed to just be sleepy (could have been from partying all night). The next day however is very moody. I felt like my seretonin levels were way out of whack and several people that did it were very sad the next day. I hate comparing this drug to molly because molly is a wonderful thing. It just seemed to be like the next step beyond that. Very in control, and Very happy.


Well-Known Member
We blew 10-12 lines over the course of the night and stayed up until after 7am. It was a camping festival so we partied hard all night. The best way I can describe how it felt is with molly as an example, but I felt way more clear-headed. Absolute Euphoria is the only pure description I can give. It hit immedietely after insufflation (typical) and each line seemed to last for 35 to 40 minutes if I remember correctly. I know you can eat it because the people selling it told us to take a line in each nostril and to eat a bump for the best results. I never ate any, just blew lines. The come-down was hardly noticeable and seemed to just be sleepy (could have been from partying all night). The next day however is very moody. I felt like my seretonin levels were way out of whack and several people that did it were very sad the next day. I hate comparing this drug to molly because molly is a wonderful thing. It just seemed to be like the next step beyond that. Very in control, and Very happy.
Very well put. Without during further test, I would conclude its mephedrone. A very popular RC, which has traits similar to that of mdma and cocaine when described by consumers. The way you put it and the need to keep redosing with the stuff sounds very much like mephedrone. The high is considered to be clearheaded compared to molly... therefore, implying that mephedrone utilizes more dopamine production. Glad you had a great time, but next time be more careful... what seems good may not always be good!

Ha BLISS... what names will they come up with next to attract innocent users ;)


Well-Known Member
also could have been methylone.ive never tried mephedrone but ive heard theres a sting to those bumps.
The bumps would of been much larger with methylone and the timeline doesn't seem correct either. If they were redosing as frequently as he suggested, then I'd believe the experience would of been largely stimulating towards the end of it. But its still a mystery.
Not to burst your bubble but I'm not sure if you actually did bliss. Usually you can't snort it unless somehow you can snort LSD. Bliss contains morphine and LSD. Usually people take it with an eye dropper.. I know you can take it orally as well.

You may have just gotten your hands on some reallly good molly. :)


Well-Known Member
Not to burst your bubble but I'm not sure if you actually did bliss. Usually you can't snort it unless somehow you can snort LSD. Bliss contains morphine and LSD. Usually people take it with an eye dropper.. I know you can take it orally as well.

You may have just gotten your hands on some reallly good molly. :)
That's a new one! Where did you get this piece of information from? Snorting LSD! What land do you come from...

I doubt what they were sniffing was molly. People who know about molly sure don't insufflate it. Its a damn waste and you lose a lot of it in the nasal cavity. We all know that molly is expensive!


Thanks for all the good information everyone. After further research I have concluded that it is mephedrone. It's pretty awesome stuff. Perhaps my new favorite rave drug.
The active ingredient in this "bliss" is most definately mephedrone. People are loving this stuff since it poppep up around last summer. I have seen it flooding my area recently, and people cant get enough of it.