Blm, the next level


Well-Known Member
We'll folks this is gonna piss plenty of you off but thats not my intention so bare with me.
I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.

The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.

Well... check this out. 20200730_190145.jpg

In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.

Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.

This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.

Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.

I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere
you are very ignorant.
What part of that shows ignorance?
The fact that I was right when I said this would happen?
People want equality and this is what equality looks like.
The ignorance of this is the minority groups of all sorts kicking up fuck here wanting to be treated as "equals " when they already had massively preferential treatment and extremely strict laws set up to protect them.
Equality means removing that extra protection and treating everyone the same.
The ignorance lies in the idiots that couldn't see this comming.
I saw it comming because I'm outside the box and not blinded by things like racism and religion.
wow really
It’s kinda early here but here you go... Good, don’t put bacon on a fucking mosque door. Do it at dunking donuts or something. Bacon? That’s hate.
I mean wtf, go pick on someone else.
I’m sick of people who think they are “average joes” disrespecting anyone who’s different and then play the victim. Bullshit
So basically your country made it against the law to troll people. You’re screwed.
No, they're making it illegal for black people to give whites a hard time.
They're making it illegal for gays to give straight people a hard time.
And making it illegal for religious people to give atheists a hard time.
I'm white, straight and atheist mate. All works massively in my favour.
Was nothing to do with us though. All brought on by blm, lgbt and religious people whining about not being equals.
So now they will be treated equally and their contempt towards others will now also be seen as hate crime.
Absolutely shot themselves in the foot.
Remember I'm not in the states. We don't have the problems with race and religion yous have here so this is all issues that never needed fixing.
No, they're making it illegal for black people to give whites a hard time.
They're making it illegal for gays to give straight people a hard time.
And making it illegal for religious people to give atheists a hard time.
I'm white, straight and atheist mate. All works massively in my favour.
Was nothing to do with us though. All brought on by blm, lgbt and religious people whining about not being equals.
So now they will be treated equally and their contempt towards others will now also be seen as hate crime.
Absolutely shot themselves in the foot.
Remember I'm not in the states. We don't have the problems with race and religion yous have here so this is all issues that never needed fixing.
Of course racism is a US problem. Silly me :wall:
Sounds like NO ONE in your area is racist at all. *wink *wink
No, they're making it illegal for black people to give whites a hard time.
They're making it illegal for gays to give straight people a hard time.
And making it illegal for religious people to give atheists a hard time.
So basically your country made it against the law to troll people. You’re screwed.

It’s funny you said “no” then gave 3 examples of it.
No, they're making it illegal for black people to give whites a hard time.
They're making it illegal for gays to give straight people a hard time.
And making it illegal for religious people to give atheists a hard time.
I'm white, straight and atheist mate. All works massively in my favour.
Was nothing to do with us though. All brought on by blm, lgbt and religious people whining about not being equals.
So now they will be treated equally and their contempt towards others will now also be seen as hate crime.
Absolutely shot themselves in the foot.
Remember I'm not in the states. We don't have the problems with race and religion yous have here so this is all issues that never needed fixing.
Btw I’m black, Jewish AND a lesbian. Oh shit, the trifecta.
We'll folks this is gonna piss plenty of you off

I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.

The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.

Well... check this out. View attachment 4640034

In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.

Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.

This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.

Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.

I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere
Ffs learn to spell and write, it reads like you are a dumb fucking scared racist which I’m sure you don’t believe you are.
Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here..
Only 3 years? That wasn’t long enough IMO
We'll folks this is gonna piss plenty of you off but thats not my intention so bare with me.
I've said enough times that I didn't agree with the way BLM were going about their business. That it would have massive repercussions in areas that they can't understand because of ignorance.
The aggression of the movement was poorly calculated and would backfire massively.

The reason for my believing this is that in order to change a law. There must be a universal constant within that law.
It must apply to everyone.
We can't have one rule for one guy and one for another.

Well... check this out. View attachment 4640034

In reaction to the current climate.
My govornment are writing in a new bill of legislation to make hate crimes more easily punishable by law.
Certain things already result in a swift jail sentence here. Racism is taken extremely seriously.
Its very, very dangerous for a white guy to get into any sort of altercation with a non white. Say literally one wrong word and you can get 12 months in jail.
Same goes for homophobia and sectarianism.
Call someone a poofter or mock their religious beliefs and you can also easily end up in jail. Saw a guy get 3 years for wrapping bacon round the door handle of a mosque a while back.
If you take the superficial religious element out of the equation then all he did was put bacon on a door handle. And he got the jail.
That's how seriously we take discrimination here....
But that wasn't enough and people are kicking up about it so look what's happened.

Our govornment deny that religion will be effected by this but there's a hell of a lot of opposition to the bill so enough people are worried about it.

This is the sort of shit I knew was gonna happen.
Laws must be one size fits all so they have to work both ways.
If it's illegal for me then it should be illegal for everyone.
Many groups won't see this as equality.
They'll see it as prejudice, removal of free speech etc.
But this is what equality looks like.
If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.
If I can get the jail for slagging you off for believing in god then you should also get the jail for doing the same to an atheist.

Be warned folks. This is a sign of things to come.
This is what happens when people rebel without a clue .
They force govornments to take action and enforce their views.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.
Ultimately this will make life a bit easier for white atheists here (the vast majority) and everyone else will be worse off.

I said it would happen and this is the first sign I've seen of it.
I'm not gloating. I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
But I was quite happy with the way things were. None of us would ever fight to push such an agenda because it's fucking ludicrous. It'll just create even more tensions and more people than ever will feel prejudiced against.
This is what happens though when people don't think things through.
If it's happening here it could happen anywhere
I am surprised you guys didn't have any anti-racist laws like this, your response is pretty much the same as white guys had here in America in the 90's when they were told that it was no longer acceptable for them to display their hate and force it onto another person.

As soon as people are dehumanized, it makes doing horrific acts easier on them. We see this throughout history.

And more recent examples that forced change.

1998 a few homophobes felt such need to hate on this poor kid because he was gay that they beat him to death.
Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 6.57.27 AM.png

3 drunk racists ended a mans life because they came across a black man on a dirt road in the same year.

Dehumanizing people is dangerous.
You're all missing the point.
We had all the laws in place to protect all minority groups here.
Massive amounts of legislation to make sure we aren't prejudiced towards them.
The jail sentences handed out for white on black crime, atheist v religious crime and homophobic crime are all quite rightly extremely high.
Whereas on the flip side it was almost impossible to charge someone from a minority of any sort with a hate crime.
They were all protected on the basis that they're a minority.
Now though, well once the bill comes into play, blacks, gays and religious people will face the same punishments the white, straight atheists get for stepping out of line.
The minorities have basically just removed all the things we put in place to protect them.
They will now be able to be prosecuted by the same laws we put in place to protect them from racists, bigots and homophobes.

That's what all this protesting has achieved here. Just made life harder for themselves because they went about it the wrong way.
Everyone's just doing what so many people here do. Running around screaming prejudice and hoping it sticks.
Instead of dealing with the actual issues.
So now because of that we've had to broaden the spectrum of hate crimes to include things that most minorities will see as suppression of free speech etc when in reality were just treating them the same as we do for the majority.
They're now getting " equality "
You're all missing the point.
We had all the laws in place to protect all minority groups here.
Massive amounts of legislation to make sure we aren't prejudiced towards them.
The jail sentences handed out for white on black crime, atheist v religious crime and homophobic crime are all quite rightly extremely high.
Whereas on the flip side it was almost impossible to charge someone from a minority of any sort with a hate crime.
They were all protected on the basis that they're a minority.
Now though, well once the bill comes into play, blacks, gays and religious people will face the same punishments the white, straight atheists get for stepping out of line.
The minorities have basically just removed all the things we put in place to protect them.
They will now be able to be prosecuted by the same laws we put in place to protect them from racists, bigots and homophobes.

That's what all this protesting has achieved here. Just made life harder for themselves because they went about it the wrong way.
Everyone's just doing what so many people here do. Running around screaming prejudice and hoping it sticks.
Instead of dealing with the actual issues.
So now because of that we've had to broaden the spectrum of hate crimes to include things that most minorities will see as suppression of free speech etc when in reality were just treating them the same as we do for the majority.
They're now getting " equality "
I’m not sure what planet you’re on. But we’re on earth. You keep trying to sell your BS that protesting has made laws harder on blacks. No one here is buying what you’re selling except for other racist.
This is basically the same as this thread here:'

Which just happened to get pushed as soon as the Russian military started their attack on our country.

I am not going to cry about racism laws being across the board. But to blame BLM protesters for this when I have shown you over and over again that the violence being done in America is being done by radicalized white people, in reality if this law has anyone to blame it is white people's violence that is using these protests as a excuse.
You're all missing the point.
We had all the laws in place to protect all minority groups here.
Massive amounts of legislation to make sure we aren't prejudiced towards them.
The jail sentences handed out for white on black crime, atheist v religious crime and homophobic crime are all quite rightly extremely high.
Whereas on the flip side it was almost impossible to charge someone from a minority of any sort with a hate crime.
They were all protected on the basis that they're a minority.
Now though, well once the bill comes into play, blacks, gays and religious people will face the same punishments the white, straight atheists get for stepping out of line.
The minorities have basically just removed all the things we put in place to protect them.
They will now be able to be prosecuted by the same laws we put in place to protect them from racists, bigots and homophobes.

That's what all this protesting has achieved here. Just made life harder for themselves because they went about it the wrong way.
Everyone's just doing what so many people here do. Running around screaming prejudice and hoping it sticks.
Instead of dealing with the actual issues.
So now because of that we've had to broaden the spectrum of hate crimes to include things that most minorities will see as suppression of free speech etc when in reality were just treating them the same as we do for the majority.
They're now getting " equality "
Yeah, no, we’re not missing the point.

A hate crime is a hate crime, regardless of who commits it. Hands up if you ever seen a group of gay, black, Muslims come after Mr. White atheist.

We haven’t abused you. You’re so fucking worried about it that there’s a law now protecting YOU.
This is basically the same as this thread here:'

Which just happened to get pushed as soon as the Russian military started their attack on our country.

I am not going to cry about racism laws being across the board. But to blame BLM protesters for this when I have shown you over and over again that the violence being done in America is being done by radicalized white people, in reality if this law has anyone to blame it is white people's violence that is using these protests as a excuse.
I'm not talking about America though. I'm talking about Scotland. There's no radicalized white people burning down buildings up here. The blm protests here are just moaning about statues and art galleries and calling everyone racists.
This is the govornments response.
To start treating minority groups equally they are about to start applying the same laws onto them as they apply to the majority.
We tried giving all minorities special treatment.
We changed all our laws to suit the individual groups and ensure that any majority prejudice towards them was dealt with extremely strongly.
The minorities aren't happy with that though so now we're just gonna treat them the same as everyone else.

This is the sort of thing I expected to happen from all this. A complete backfire that will only make things worse and create more tension.