Blm, the next level

Yeah, no, we’re not missing the point.

A hate crime is a hate crime, regardless of who commits it. Hands up if you ever seen a group of gay, black, Muslims come after Mr. White atheist.

We haven’t abused you. You’re so fucking worried about it that there’s a law now protecting YOU.
I get tired of all these Muslims walking around here like they own the f’ing place :bigjoint:
The minorities aren't happy with that though so now we're just gonna treat them the same as everyone else.
Here’s another one. You contradict yourself from one sentence to the next. By calling them or referring to them as “the minorities” you’re already NOT treating them like everyone else.
Yeah, no, we’re not missing the point.

A hate crime is a hate crime, regardless of who commits it. Hands up if you ever seen a group of gay, black, Muslims come after Mr. White atheist.

We haven’t abused you. You’re so fucking worried about it that there’s a law now protecting YOU.
No, were not worried about it at all. We don't have the same problems you guys have.
Its about treating people the same.
We had everything set up to give minorities maximum protection. They weren't happy so now the legal lines are being moved to just treat everyone the same.
There's too many people screaming prejudice for no reason and causing massive social divides so now if they shout to loud they can be prosecuted same as the rest of us.
Here’s another one. You contradict yourself from one sentence to the next. By calling them or referring to them as “the minorities” you’re already NOT treating them like everyone else.
Your right, we weren't treating minorities the same as the majority. We gave ALL minority groups special, legal protections to ensure we couldn't give them a hard time.
They weren't happy thoigh so now that luxury is being removed and they'll face the wrath of the law like everyone else does.
Untill now racism only counted for white on black crime.
Homophobia could only be straight on gay crime.
Sectarianism coud only be atheist v religious.
Now all these groups can be charged for pushing their agendas just the same as us.

I'm not here to gloat about it I'm trying to show yous that this is the reality of what all this blame placing can result in.
No, they're making it illegal for black people to give whites a hard time.
They're making it illegal for gays to give straight people a hard time.
And making it illegal for religious people to give atheists a hard time.
I'm white, straight and atheist mate. All works massively in my favour.
Was nothing to do with us though. All brought on by blm, lgbt and religious people whining about not being equals.
So now they will be treated equally and their contempt towards others will now also be seen as hate crime.
Absolutely shot themselves in the foot.
Remember I'm not in the states. We don't have the problems with race and religion yous have here so this is all issues that never needed fixing.
I agree with Fogdog "ignorance"
No, were not worried about it at all. We don't have the same problems you guys have.
Its about treating people the same.
We had everything set up to give minorities maximum protection. They weren't happy so now the legal lines are being moved to just treat everyone the same.
There's too many people screaming prejudice for no reason and causing massive social divides so now if they shout to loud they can be prosecuted same as the rest of us.
0.12% of your population is 'Black' and that is 'too many people' crying about equality?

Screen Shot 2020-07-31 at 8.58.23 AM.png

I believe that you are pushing back on something that you started to understand how wrong it is giving cover to the racists that are using the BLM protests to attack our countries and use it as a way to scare the public into belevieng the racist lies embedded in propaganda everywhere to help the Russian agenda cause chaos in every democracy worldwide. Intentionally or not.
No, were not worried about it at all. We don't have the same problems you guys have.
Its about treating people the same.
We had everything set up to give minorities maximum protection. They weren't happy so now the legal lines are being moved to just treat everyone the same.
There's too many people screaming prejudice for no reason and causing massive social divides so now if they shout to loud they can be prosecuted same as the rest of us.

0.12% of your population is 'Black' and that is 'too many people' crying about equality?

View attachment 4640154

I believe that you are pushing back on something that you started to understand how wrong it is giving cover to the racists that are using the BLM protests to attack our countries and use it as a way to scare the public into belevieng the racist lies embedded in propaganda everywhere to help the Russian agenda cause chaos in every democracy worldwide. Intentionally or not.
Dunno how many times I can say this mate. The post is about what's happened in Scotland. Got absolutely sweet fuck all to do with America.
And yes I'm well aware how man blacks we have. It's not just the blacks this effects though it's all non white people, lgbt and religious people.
All of them are about to have a harder life because of this. They were all given laws to protect them here which are about to be re-written.
The point is that it's always been ok here for any minority group to behave towards the majority in a way which if it were turned would result in the majority offender being jailed.
Because all the minority groups are just shouting racist etc at the majority. Our govt have decided to balance the books.
It will now be an offense to go around shouting about your hatred for the whites, straights or non religious people.

This is what all this protesting has achieved here. It's just made things worse all round for all minority groups.
I seem to be the only non racist person on here so don't blame me :)
All your words

If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.

The ignorance of this is the minority groups of all sorts kicking up fuck here wanting to be treated as "equals "

I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
Dunno how many times I can say this mate. The post is about what's happened in Scotland. Got absolutely sweet fuck all to do with America.
And yes I'm well aware how man blacks we have. It's not just the blacks this effects though it's all non white people, lgbt and religious people.
All of them are about to have a harder life because of this. They were all given laws to protect them here which are about to be re-written.
The point is that it's always been ok here for any minority group to behave towards the majority in a way which if it were turned would result in the majority offender being jailed.
Because all the minority groups are just shouting racist etc at the majority. Our govt have decided to balance the books.
It will now be an offense to go around shouting about your hatred for the whites, straights or non religious people.

This is what all this protesting has achieved here. It's just made things worse all round for all minority groups.
Right, I see what you are saying, because of the BLM protests and equality protests, your government just went full Trump/Putin level of suppression.

I don't know how much clearer you could have made it that the Vast majority of white guys in your country are so snowballed with Russian/Trump/Far Right dictators (would be even) racist propaganda to further suppress the vast minority of your population. I just don't get why you are acting like it is the minorities in your countries fault that your leaders bought into the racist nonsense.
All your words

If I can get jail for calling you a N$*%£=# then you should get the jail for calling me chalky.

Black people said we weren't strict enough with our current anti hate laws so they're now being extended to include everyone.

The ignorance of this is the minority groups of all sorts kicking up fuck here wanting to be treated as "equals "

I am a white atheist so I will benefit from this and it's something I definately support.
The problem I think is if their law is anything like ours, to be a 'hate crime', generally it needs to be a crime being committed (like beating a person to death) while simultaneously (or prior to) calling them racist shit. He is pretending like someone here can go to jail for just saying racist shit.
The problem I think is if their law is anything like ours, to be a 'hate crime', generally it needs to be a crime being committed (like beating a person to death) while simultaneously (or prior to) calling them racist shit. He is pretending like someone here can go to jail for just saying racist shit.
He plays one hell of a victim. You have to admit that
You're all missing the point.
We had all the laws in place to protect all minority groups here.
Massive amounts of legislation to make sure we aren't prejudiced towards them.
The jail sentences handed out for white on black crime, atheist v religious crime and homophobic crime are all quite rightly extremely high.
Whereas on the flip side it was almost impossible to charge someone from a minority of any sort with a hate crime.
They were all protected on the basis that they're a minority.
Now though, well once the bill comes into play, blacks, gays and religious people will face the same punishments the white, straight atheists get for stepping out of line.
The minorities have basically just removed all the things we put in place to protect them.
They will now be able to be prosecuted by the same laws we put in place to protect them from racists, bigots and homophobes.

That's what all this protesting has achieved here. Just made life harder for themselves because they went about it the wrong way.
Everyone's just doing what so many people here do. Running around screaming prejudice and hoping it sticks.
Instead of dealing with the actual issues.
So now because of that we've had to broaden the spectrum of hate crimes to include things that most minorities will see as suppression of free speech etc when in reality were just treating them the same as we do for the majority.
They're now getting " equality "
You seem upset.

Maybe you are missing the point.
Dunno how many times I can say this mate. The post is about what's happened in Scotland. Got absolutely sweet fuck all to do with America.
And yes I'm well aware how man blacks we have. It's not just the blacks this effects though it's all non white people, lgbt and religious people.
All of them are about to have a harder life because of this. They were all given laws to protect them here which are about to be re-written.
The point is that it's always been ok here for any minority group to behave towards the majority in a way which if it were turned would result in the majority offender being jailed.
Because all the minority groups are just shouting racist etc at the majority. Our govt have decided to balance the books.
It will now be an offense to go around shouting about your hatred for the whites, straights or non religious people.

This is what all this protesting has achieved here. It's just made things worse all round for all minority groups.
oooooh I see what you’re saying
What part of that shows ignorance?
The fact that I was right when I said this would happen?
People want equality and this is what equality looks like.
The ignorance of this is the minority groups of all sorts kicking up fuck here wanting to be treated as "equals " when they already had massively preferential treatment and extremely strict laws set up to protect them.
Equality means removing that extra protection and treating everyone the same.
The ignorance lies in the idiots that couldn't see this comming.
I saw it comming because I'm outside the box and not blinded by things like racism and religion.
all of it