blood meal and miracle grow all purpose plant food


so ive heard that blood meal is good for mj plants and while i was picking some up i also got the plant food

when should i start useing the blood meal and plant food?
and is it ok to mix them together?


Well-Known Member
so miracle grow is a no go?
also im growing outdoors
get a big ass pot and if you want you can get away with miricle grow soil. but I wouldnt use the plant food bro nothings worse than wasting time. make sure you get ph down and a ph tester kit its like 10 bucks


Well-Known Member
I dont want to give you advice that im not sure of so Im not sure about the blood meal never used it.The best soil you can get would be fox farm oceans forest soil. has everything you need in it and you can get away without even using nutrient if you really wanted to


oh, thats cool man, thanks for the advice btw
heres an overveiw of my grow so far
i germed them untill the roots were about a half a inche long then i dug two trenches about two inches deep and fiiled them with organic soil that said it gives your plants all it needs for the first two weeks
yesterday was my first day
im just trying to get all the info i can so i dont screw this up


Well-Known Member
next time try to put them in pots. its hard to protect your plants when there directly in the ground from animals and pests. if you have gophers around they will eat your roots. if you have any more seeds I would germ. them and put them in a pot


depending on how my grow goes
ill do that next year
i ordered some seed from the attitude and only started with a few and saved the rest plus i have like a million bag seeds
may i ask what all strains you've worked with?
i went with auto blue mystic, power africa, velvet bud, sharksbreath, cole train, and rocklock


Well-Known Member
Purple Kush and Grandaddy Purple. are the ones I have been doing for years. I have flowered others but the yields on the PK and grand daddy is really good so I stuck with that


ive heard that purple kush is a good smoke
not really heard anything about grandaddy purple....sadly i live in a place where most of the weed doesnt even have a name....


lmao im afraid to even find out, the most ive paid for the normal stuff is 120, but a friend told me he could get some good deisal for 20 bucks a gram...
the way its sold around here is stupid...


Well-Known Member
120 is a damn gud deal. i sell my purp out here in northern california to a guy in La for 3400 a pound and he sells it for 4300 a pound and 375 an ounce lol