Blood meal = animal attraction??


Well-Known Member
Wondering if adding blood meal to increase the Nitrogen availability in my outdoor plants would possibly attract animals or is it fairly inert?

Right now my mix is going to be made up of topsoil, perlite, bone meal and some cow manure.



Well-Known Member
I'm not so worried about my plants being eaten, more worried about a carnivorous animal.. raccoon, coyote, fox, etc. digging into the soil due to the smell which would destroy roots and make a mess :(


Well-Known Member
I'm not so worried about my plants being eaten, more worried about a carnivorous animal.. raccoon, coyote, fox, etc. digging into the soil due to the smell which would destroy roots and make a mess :(
I've been wondering about that, too...
I read somewhere that adding Molasses to the mix helps nuetralize the smell of things like blood meal and bone meal. I'll see if I can find where I saw that


Well-Known Member
Blood meal is full of nitrogen. It has tons of it. Just know it smells like super strong fish food. Once it gets wet it starts stinking up the place.


Well-Known Member
yes, animals will dig your soil up lookin for whatever smell that bloodmeal is giving off, its happened to me before. the best way to do it is to put it out a few weeks before planting so whatever happens doesnt destroy your roots?plants, and then the animals will leave it alone after investigating it. i use chicken shit, it has loads of N, and animals dont mess with it. i also recommend cow manure, my theory is that, why would any animal want to eat shit! bone "meal" and blood "meal" are just that, a "meal" its used as feed for farm animals, good thinkin on your part, it sucks when you go to your spot and your little babies are torn out of the ground and layin next to a big hole. good luck buddy!