"Bloom" earth worm juice questions


Active Member
I have a few questions on the stuff :P

1. Can you accidently put to much in the galon of water?
if so, is it soemthing you need to be worried about
2. I use the bloom til they start budding, and then switch to the grow correct?
3. Its all organic, should i get an all organic earthworm casting/bat guano soil to go with it? if i dont will it matter much?
4. How often should i use/how much should i use? whats on the back of it or something special for the ocasion?
5. what PH range should my plants be in? one is 7in, 9in, 13 in.


Well-Known Member
2.>> you use bloom for budding and grow for veg dude:lol: how stoned are you dude???
3.>> no, but organic is harder to control, and you have an issue with that anyways...
4. that is why pro stuff comes with a grow plan, you are now facing total trill and error man
5. if you are growing on soil 5.8 to 6.5

damn it, start reading those FAQs, that is where they made for!


Active Member
and that is what the store owner told me to do "I use the bloom til they start budding, and then switch to the grow correct?"


Well-Known Member
if you would read them you would have found all that answers to the questions of yours, did you start on the sticks so far?


Well-Known Member
and that is what the store owner told me to do "I use the bloom til they start budding, and then switch to the grow correct?"
i have quite counting today how many noobs told me some major bull some god damn store owner of some freakin hydro store told them.

take it this way, even Bush jr. himself would come up with such a giant bull as this idiot did.
don't talk to the store guys, those are 99% of the cases total moron's with no idea about growing whats-how-ever. talk to us, ask us, we seniors gone tell you what to look for:roll: never ever ask them for advise, you gone get burned every god damn time you ask those fools.


Active Member
hahha i smoke entirely to much for creative reading, but i have to challenge you on question # 2, because it also says on the bottle, use prior AND durring budding, flowering, and fruiting, which would make sence kinda to me, so it brings the budding process sooner, then when it comes switch to the grow intead of bloom to keep it going big and strong, this is also what the store fuck told me


Well-Known Member
Common sense Bloom=flowers =when MJ is blooming its flowering so the bloom when you getting buds flowers! Grow =vegatative so grow when its not flowering. use grow 1st then flower.


Active Member
ok thanks! that sucks too because thats what i had in my hand ready to get til they tell me otherwise... whata waste of money


Active Member
what do you guys think? should i absolutly go buy the "grow" one, or just keep using this one til they bloom anyways, does say "prior and durring budding" or should i just not worry about it, dont buy the "grow" one and just keep using the bloom... what od you guys think? help me out here :D