Bloom fertilizers what say you?


Well-Known Member
Jacks seems stable for me- quit testing it everyone was so happy w no adjustments no reason to screw w it


Active Member
Mono Potassium Phosphate.. 0-52-34...Use when buds very 1st start to set. 3rd/4th weeks on an 8 week strain. Adjust accordingly for shorter/longer flowering.
3 Level TSP Epsom Salts/5 Gallons Water from weeks 1-4 flowering/8 week strain, and 1.5 TBLSP Epsom Salts/5 gallons water weeks 5-6, and back of to 1 TBLSP weeks 7-8.

Its been determined by Tissue Analysis the best Basic marijuana formula is

19.5-20-39. With Extra Magnesium, and some strains also like more Iron.

Weed likes 2x Potassium vs Nitrogen, and is also FAKE NEWS, and Internet Fable that weed need LESS NITROGEN IN FLOWERING.

It also consumes a HUGE amount of Magnesium if given the chance. Weed is 1 of the biggest users of Mg there is.

So consider weed like 19.5-20-39.

Add in the Mono Potassium Phosphate and in weeks 3-4 the total Ratio goes up to 19.5-72-73!!!!!!!! While at the same time increasing Magnesium.
I've been digging as much as I can regarding MKP and the best I've found is this where is mentions that " Multi-MKP is compatible with most water-soluble fertilizers, except for fertilizers containing calcium (Ca++) or magnesium (Mg++). To apply Multi-MKP in combination with calcium or magnesium fertilizers, use two fertilizer tanks. If only a single fertilizer tank is available, apply those fertilizers at different times." I've been hesitant to use the MKP I have because I feed CalMag everytime I water. Would GH Flora be considered "water-soluble" fertilizer? Salts vs liquid?


Well-Known Member
Its water soluble.
I don't know a lot about your fertilizer, but I just called Hydro Gardens/Chem Gro, and with their fertilizer ( What I use ) its ok to add MPK to the same tank.

It could be your fert isn't compatible when mixed together, and will form basically concrete.

If your going to use that fert, I would use MPK at different times, and maybe skip the Mg. Though I hate to do that.


Well-Known Member
Lol. Listen to the video above.

I'll have to admit Im going to listen to Hydro Gardens/Chem Gro as they've been making Plant Specific Fertilizes since 1965.

Ive been using their stuff since 1985. Hobby Formula before they came up with a weed specific formula.

They use Tissue Analysis, and also offer issue Analysis for your plants.

They've determined weed likes a 19.5-20-39 base formula, with added Mg, and some want more Iron, but not all.

Also wed is tough, and can live on most anything. Ive used Miracle Grow/Peters a million times back in the late 70s/early 80s, and really never had a problem with it, but its not optimal. 15-30-15.. 5-50-17.

Weed likes 2x the amount of K vs Nitrogen. And basically the same N/P ratio. 19.5/20

Weed is also 1 of the most Mg hungry plants there is.

It is also true though they only need more MPK during the 1st initial bud set, which is 2/3rd weeks of an 8 week strain, and an increasing need for Mg all the way though except for the last 2 weeks, but it still needs a lot of magnesium.
If the soil is perfect, then there is no need to add anything, but if youre supplying everything, Im going to go with people that have been doing fert since 1965.

And their stuff is cheap, and only 4 components.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to admit Im going to listen to Hydro Gardens/Chem Gro as they've been making Plant Specific Fertilizes since 1965.

Ive been using their stuff since 1985. Hobby Formula before they came up with a weed specific formula.

They use Tissue Analysis, and also offer issue Analysis for your plants.

They've determined weed likes a 19.5-20-39 base formula, with added Mg, and some want more Iron, but not all.

Also wed is tough, and can live on most anything. Ive used Miracle Grow/Peters a million times back in the late 70s/early 80s, and really never had a problem with it, but its not optimal. 15-30-15.. 5-50-17.

Weed likes 2x the amount of K vs Nitrogen. And basically the same N/P ratio. 19.5/20

Weed is also 1 of the most Mg hungry plants there is.

It is also true though they only need more MPK during the 1st initial bud set, which is 2/3rd weeks of an 8 week strain, and an increasing need for Mg all the way though except for the last 2 weeks, but it still needs a lot of magnesium.
If the soil is perfect, then there is no need to add anything, but if youre supplying everything, Im going to go with people that have been doing fert since 1965.

And their stuff is cheap, and only 4 components.

The tissue samples in the video I posted do not support the information you just gave.

It’s calcium that marijuana uses a lot of. Not mag.

Phosphorus and calcium are closer to equal in samples.

Potassium needs to be a little higher than nitrogen. Not double. They expect you to add cal nitrate to balance the 4/20 formula.

Nitrogen is needed all the way through and not really less in flower according to all strains samples.

But I do agree. Many brands and ratios can work.


Well-Known Member
But what he says doesn't jive with Chem Gro.

It uses both.

In the Chem Gro formula at 5-6 weeks of flowering of an 8 weeks strain, they want the same PPM ( as they want in the base formulas.

In weeks 5-6 they use 400 grams each in 100 gallons water each of 4-20-39
Magnesium Sulfate.

In week 1 of flowering they recommend 180 grams Magnesium, and work up to 400 grams per 100g water by weeks 5-6
Veg gets between 60-120 grams Mg weeks 1-4

So there is a steady increase in Mg as the plant gets bigger, and when it starts flowering.

The Calcium Nitrate is ALSO INcreased all the way through except the last 2 weeks, but still has a high level of both Calcium, and Nitrogen. So they believe it uses a lot of all 3..


Well-Known Member
But what he says doesn't jive with Chem Gro.

It uses both.

In the Chem Gro formula at 5-6 weeks of flowering of an 8 weeks strain, they want the same PPM ( as they want in the base formulas.

In weeks 5-6 they use 400 grams each in 100 gallons water each of 4-20-39
Magnesium Sulfate.

In week 1 of flowering they recommend 180 grams Magnesium, and work up to 400 grams per 100g water by weeks 5-6
Veg gets between 60-120 grams Mg weeks 1-4

So there is a steady increase in Mg as the plant gets bigger, and when it starts flowering.

The Calcium Nitrate is ALSO INcreased all the way through except the last 2 weeks, but still has a high level of both Calcium, and Nitrogen. So they believe it uses a lot of all 3..

It uses all 16 elements. And as plants grow larger they need more of everything.

And you can’t just automatically say they need this much. Every grow and room is different and may need different concentrations of fertilizer to stay healthy.

I get excellent results using only pure Blend Pro Grow only. But it still has too much phosphorous and requires some leaching to keep roots clear.

The owner of a nute company in the video is saying the bloom product is bullshit. They are taking much more time in testing to come out with their 1 part cannabis fertilizer it seems.


Well-Known Member
I hand water in soilless/Promix, and use 1/5th-20%/25% of recommended dosage every time I water.

Usually to the tune of starting out with 1tsp of each formula per 5 gallons water, for seedlings. 60% of a tsp for Mg. No MPK at this point.

They also like having the Calcium Nitrate, and Mg separate.

We have always kept the calcium nitrate & magnesium sulfate separate because most growers can find this product locally & don’t want to pay shipping.

CaNO3 can’t be included if you want to make a concentrate. Concentrating & using injectors is a much more popular method with the larger growers so we designed this to help growers of all sizes.


Well-Known Member
Lol this is one of the most confusing and contradictory threads ive ever seen on RIU, god bless any new growers that are trying to sift thru this
Then you mustn't have read very many nute threads around here because so far this one is much tamer than most!



Well-Known Member
Too high in P in relation to K. P is in higher demand during the stretch then they want way more K. Big Bud is 0-15-35 and they really like that. Also has 20 aminos, 10% S with citric and ascorbic acids. Well worth the 2 or $3 per plant I'll use each grow. Higher P works good for tomatoes but not as good for pot.