Bloombox vs. Supercloset

Hi all,

I'm interested in getting an indoor growing cabinet and I think the better options are the BCNL Bloombox and the Supercloset!

I was sold on the bloombox, untill I found out I would need to have to take it out of it's shipping wrapper to get it into my apartment, and I've heard others have had to take off their door to get it into their house.

BCNL was not very responsive when I asked about it, basically it's my problem, didn't they think about this?? Seems like common sense. It takes away from the stealth when I have to unpack the thing in the hallway where everyone can see it or have the door taken off, with an apartment this is not possible and not a good idea.

So now I'm looking at the Supercloset more seriously, because it's way more stealth, it's slimmer, and it's cheaper and I have the option to grow larger and more plants.

I'm leaning towards the Supercloset, because it's more likely I won't have to unpack it in the hallway, also if I had to it just looks like a storage locker and won't bring as much attention.

I'm interested in people's option on other systems, and if they have had similar issues, and if people have had good success with the Supercloset or issues I should look out for?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Dude do what fits your needs
You can make your own for a lot less $$$ and get the satisfaction that you made it
Good Luck whatever way you grow
I thought about making my own, but I'm new to growing and I don't have the tools or know-how to make a box, I'm concerned about the smell and electrical issues.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
Theres no better way to learn then do it your self
Much more fun and less money
You can learn from peeps on here and there are always people to ask there are also people that you dont have to ask and will tell you anyway
That said Good luck and happy growing

tea tree

Well-Known Member
get an omega garden! Trust me, buy a tent and forget about stealth. Just lock your bedroom door. Women love my living room couch now! I tell you it is true. I am not a dick, I just let them know it is more romantic there. Lol, I was all concerned about stelath when I started growing then I got additced to the affair. I am a small med grower for personal but I now have two 4x4x6 tents and my apt is filled with all manner of plants. I was going to use a cab but soon said "screw that" when I saw the power of my hids. You can grow other stuff in their too. Seriously I dont see how they cool a 400 anyway in a cab. I use inline fans over 400 and i pump it out but still hot. Ever plug one in? Go to a hydro store and look around. Then buy what you like off craigs list. Dont see it? Wait a week. Lol. Congrats on purchasing a cool cab, but you will want some more fun I guarantee! Or no. Fuck getting it in in broad daylight, or not, I have brought three by three ebb tables and rockwoll and t5s and no one saw when it arrived or happened to be around. A few minutes of exposure of a random computer related looking shit is not so bad. But I hear that low cab has light leeks and shit. I saw some nice buds. The price is huge tho! You could go all out in a tent and some used lights and fans. Fuck and head out to sd and get some clones lol.
Theres no better way to learn then do it your self
Much more fun and less money
You can learn from peeps on here and there are always people to ask there are also people that you dont have to ask and will tell you anyway
That said Good luck and happy growing
Thanks Green Dave,

I'm looking more into building one.

Here are bullets of what I’m looking for:

  • I want to produce at least 8-16+ ounces or more of dried herbs per yield. (So I think I’d need about 9 plants+)
  • I’m interested in a stealth grow cabinet, but bigger than a side table, maybe a dresser would work well!
  • I need to be able to fit it through a regular size doorway please. (Like that of an apartment or bedroom) Even with shipping wrapper on it.
  • I would like to be able to grow clones and mother plants at the same time, so I wouldn’t have to grow from seed each time.
  • I don’t want there to be any smells at all. So I guess a carbon filter would work well.
  • I want it to be safe from fires or electrical problems. So if I go away for the day or week-end I don’t have to worry about it.
  • I’m interested in a CO2 hook-up and device to add 1800 parts per million to the cabinet.
  • I would need an exhaust fan unless I can use the carbon filter for that, plus an intake fan unless I can just use an ordinary portable fan.
  • I assume I’d need a PH tool to measure the soil and water and any other tools needed.
  • I’d want to have the proper lights needed.
  • If possible a timer for lights would be good, so I can set it for 18-24 hours or 12/12 just in-case I forget or I’m away
  • A temperature gauge and CO2 gauge
  • An automatic CO2 pump to keep levels at 1800 parts per million.
  • A reflective inside to help use all light sources.
  • If possible a switch board to set the light timer, CO2, and view the temperature too.
get an omega garden! Trust me, buy a tent and forget about stealth. Just lock your bedroom door. Women love my living room couch now! I tell you it is true. I am not a dick, I just let them know it is more romantic there. Lol, I was all concerned about stelath when I started growing then I got additced to the affair. I am a small med grower for personal but I now have two 4x4x6 tents and my apt is filled with all manner of plants. I was going to use a cab but soon said "screw that" when I saw the power of my hids. You can grow other stuff in their too. Seriously I dont see how they cool a 400 anyway in a cab. I use inline fans over 400 and i pump it out but still hot. Ever plug one in? Go to a hydro store and look around. Then buy what you like off craigs list. Dont see it? Wait a week. Lol. Congrats on purchasing a cool cab, but you will want some more fun I guarantee! Or no. Fuck getting it in in broad daylight, or not, I have brought three by three ebb tables and rockwoll and t5s and no one saw when it arrived or happened to be around. A few minutes of exposure of a random computer related looking shit is not so bad. But I hear that low cab has light leeks and shit. I saw some nice buds. The price is huge tho! You could go all out in a tent and some used lights and fans. Fuck and head out to sd and get some clones lol.
Sounds good, thanks for the tips Tea Tree!

I'm still looking for something stealth just incase the landlord comes in! And when I move I don't want to have to explain what the tents are, I'd rather have it look like a dresser, locker, or cabinet so people don't think it's anything else.


My buddy has the SuperCloset MiniFile and loves it even though it is one of the smaller systems. He has had two amazing grows so far and has no had a complain to talk about with his cabinet yet. He is a very careful person and does heavy research before making a big purchase but he is planning on buying another. I also plan on buying a Trinity with my tax return after my bud's suggestion and all many great reviews. I hope my check comes soon because that sells SuperCloset line of cabinets is offering $600 rebate on their cabinets right now (for grocery HAHAHA FREE MUNCHIES!)


hello, check out my supercloset grow from the bottom ofthe page on my links. I just bought one and am debunking all the stuff needed to build one.


You can do like i did and go to lowes. They have a cabinet 48x24x72 for $108.00 and has many shelf options. Its all white with double doors and its very big and roomie. Also very STEALTH...good luck! oh and it comes in a flat box as you have to build it, took me 20 mins and was very easy!


Check these guys out if you want a very stealth grow cabinet, Great customer service and top notch accessories. also check out the YouTube cabinet walkaround as mike (owner) explains the components of this supercloset killer. I just ordered mine and awaiting its arrival. These guys at AC Tech are on top of there game, you would have to be a fool to buy any other brand. If you can't find the YouTube link just search Stanley 336 in the YouTube searchbar. If you speak with them tell them Chris referred you. I am not a spammer nor do I work for this company I Just want people who are interested in quality to witness.
Check these guys out if you want a very stealth grow cabinet, Great customer service and top notch accessories. also check out the YouTube cabinet walkaround as mike (owner) explains the components of this supercloset killer.
I just ordered mine and awaiting its arrival. These guys at AC Tech are on top of there game, you would have to be a fool to buy any other brand. If you can't find the YouTube link just search Stanley 336 in the YouTube searchbar. If you speak with them tell them Chris referred you. I am not a spammer nor do I work for this company I Just want people who are interested in quality to witness.
LOL. Trust me... get the SuperCloset Trinity 3.0. I do GREAT with it. Most of the complaints seen are purely user error.


Well-Known Member
Check these guys out if you want a very stealth grow cabinet, Great customer service and top notch accessories. also check out the YouTube cabinet walkaround as mike (owner) explains the components of this supercloset killer. I just ordered mine and awaiting its arrival. These guys at AC Tech are on top of there game, you would have to be a fool to buy any other brand. If you can't find the YouTube link just search Stanley 336 in the YouTube searchbar. If you speak with them tell them Chris referred you. I am not a spammer nor do I work for this company I Just want people who are interested in quality to witness.
LMAO that thing is a rip off. Minus the cost of the lights anyone could build everything else in that cabinet for around 600 bucks. Only a fool would pay 4 grand for that junk. My Gorilla grow tent setup is 3 times nicer and I only spent half of what they are asking. Plus I also have triple the room.

To the OP, just do it yourself. You will spend half the money and get a better setup and better equipment. Trust me, after seeing the so called grow box, what I have blows it out of the water.