blooming question

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
I didn't read all the posts on this thread so be kind if I repeat something that has already been said.

First off, nice looking plant!

Second, what strain of plant is it?

And third, Some plants do like to reach and/or are fast growers. I have two different strains of blueberry (blu berry and blueberry). The Blueberry is a fast grower, but the blu berry is a bit slower.

Also when in flowering stage most strains start growing at a faster rate, so don't be fooled by this. Especially the last week before harvest, some strains explode with growth.


Well-Known Member
hi vote 2
thanks for the comments on the plants:blsmoke: bongsmilie :eyesmoke:
i dont no what strain it is, just some seeds out of some nice weed

what did you mean by explode in the last week ?:confused:
we are 4 weeks in now and they are already at 30 ins and 32
with 3 weeks (or more) to go how tall do you think thease ladies will get to ?
they have alreadt grown 2ft in 4 weeks
are we looking at another 2ft or more :-? :mrgreen:

thanks in advance for any comments:mrgreen:

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
White Widow for example has an explosion of growth the last week before harvest. Your sitting at 60-65 % red hairs and all of a sudden the flowers start showing more and more new growth. Most people freak out on this and think they should let their plants grow even longer. Bad mistake!

You are more than likely going to see your plants start slowing down just a couple of weeks before harvest. It'll still be growing just at a slower rate. Then the last week you will prob. see a few inches of new growth.

Every strain is different as to how much growth there will be weeks or even day's before harvest. You might see about another foot with your plants, of course depending on the strain.


Well-Known Member
thanks for your info vote
will try and get some pics up so you can see how things are going

just hope our buds explode, they are quite small at the moment but it is dripping in small white hairs (small white hairs=BUDS?)


Well-Known Member
could anyone tell me whats wrong with 1 of our plants ?
would being pot bound be the cause of this
the pot we used when we repotted was to small( we didnt think it would get as big as it has) a noob mistake
what i can tell you is that we are 4 weeks into flower and about 4 to go
will it go the distance
think its too late in the day to repot now :-?

sorry about the Q of the pic still learning how to take a decent pic as well :)




I Really dont know, and without looking around, im going to guess either nute burn, or pest.

Go look at the plant problem forums and check otu what it may look like, and think abotu what you did different. rootbound plants should just stop growing. I believe so anyway.


Well-Known Member
well it could be nute burn we gave it the same as the other 1 (food mixed with water)( which is in a bigger pot) and that is fine
thats why i agree with you on the nute burn because if it was a pest it would be on both of them
will give that 1 just plain water for a bit
thanks for the comments

Vote 2 Legalize Marijuana

Well-Known Member
with root bound plants from my experience starts showing yellowing in the leafs due to lack of nutes. Looking at your pic tells me pH disease. In other words your pH is way to high and your plant is getting little or no nutes and some sort of disease has infected your plant because of this. Only other thing I can think of right off the top of my head... To much iron content in your soil.

Like I always say: Don't hold me to this because I could be wrong.


Well-Known Member
well we have kept an eye on the ph all the way through (6.5 - 7)
it did go above 7 so we added a little iron and that brought it down and it hasnt move since, but that was in the vegging stage


Well-Known Member
are your pictures taken where the plants are growing? if so those brick walls do nothing to reflect light back to the plant. think about some mylar or panda film.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the link(bloody alot of reading to be done :( )
i thought it looks like calcium deficiencie
but then again what do i no
this is getting confusing lol

anyways thanks for all the help so dudes
might put some more pics up on saturday, thats if theres any difference from the last, will see


Well-Known Member
Looks like you are doing a pretty good job steve, can't wait for my babys to mature. You said this is you 2nd first attempt. may i ask what you did differently on your 2nd first attempt than you did on you 1st first attempt?


Well-Known Member
thanks for your comments le1337need
what have we done different
everything,it would be easer to tell you what we did right
here goes lol
we watered it and.........

lmfao that was it
what we did wrong
the pot was way to small
we let it grow untill it reached 3ft 6ins(veg)(room was only 5ft 5ins)
we feed it baby bio all the way through
we never did a ph test or moisture test
we never had fresh air or fan
we had root rot
we didnt no how hot it was, the hotter the better we thought
we didnt do any reading how to grow only how to sex it
we had leaves going brown and dieing so we just cut them off ,didnt look into what was happening.( going wrong, we thought they where just old leaves lol) they wasnt, i no that now
cant think of any more but we didnt do a lot right
oh yeah it turned out to be a hermi (both sexes) so we fucked it off
we have since been told that the seeds it would of produced would of been all female(dont know if this is right, just what we was told) and the seeds could of been worth a lot of money
but hay....... if your going to fuck up why not fuck up big style:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

this time we have done alot more research and things are going ok at the moment(5 weeks into flowering on this friday):mrgreen:
so all i can say is do some research and treat them like the ladies they are
(love,care, right food) + more, worth it in the end (havent even got to the end but you no what i mean)
good luck on your grow hope you get what you what :blsmoke: :roll: :hump: :joint: :joint:
think thats it

White Eagle

Active Member
heres a couple of pics of my ladies ( i hope)
i did try and take some pics of the white hairs but they didnt turn out very well, i take it they are female not sure this is our first grow so any help on sexing them would be good
we are 10 days into the flowering stage
Go to your local place of business and get some white poster board. Get enough to cover the wall around your babies. This will reflect the light onto your plants much better than that grey block wall I see in the photo. This will also help with keeping from them stretching. If you can get mylar it's better than the poster board. Or you could paint the wall with a Flat White paint. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
hi dudes
here the next question
we are 5 weeks in to the flowering stage and the white hairs are turning orangey brown, going by what i have read on here thats a sign to harvest
am i right ? ( the reason why im asking is because the buds are very small i:e the size off your finger nail not your thumb nail, like i say very small)
if they are ready to crop why are the buds(if you can call them buds) so small ?
what have we done wrong ? :confused: :?


Well-Known Member
well, despite of wut you said, i thought your supposed to harvest them as soon as you see the resin gland on the top of the bud stop producing resin, thats when your supposed to harvest.--i think havent gotten to that stage yet, my babbies are about between 2-3 feet and are just startting to bud i got like 8 white hairs poking out of the stem from different sections of the plant