Blossoming Males?


Well-Known Member
You have GREAT genetics? Great Vegging females??? Wanna cross breed the two?

If you can answer yes to TWO of these questions...., separate that male, put it in another room/area, take some pollen by rubbing those lil balls with a few dry "Q-tips", place the Qtips in a sealed bag, KILL the boys.....wait till yer baby virgins are ready to FINISH blooming, rub those Q-tips on the pistils....and you'll have seeds, x+y = yx strain.

If you cant answer yes~ remove the males.............."remove" being a GENTLE word...carefully take those boys to another room, so as not to disrupt pollen sacs, and dispose of them.....any disturbance of those pollen sacs in the harem will produce seed!
Hope this helps..I'm not a geneticist~ but I know how to make senci crop go to seed real fast!!!


Well-Known Member
Hack it up and through it away, you can try smoking it if you are deperate... how far into flower is he?


Active Member
I got one sprout, and it ended up being some pics of how far it is.

I would smoke it...but I've never smoked before, I was wanting to smoke my first plant...but...not gonna happen now.

Is there anything I can use it for, besides stuff like hemp?


Well-Known Member
Brain fart eh? I have those more than I'd like to admit, that puppy is pretty much garbage, that's a bummer, looks like it's been flowering for awhile, well heck if you haven't smoked before just might be worth, if it's not costing you too much continue to grow it and make some hash out of him, you'll probably get a decent buzz being that you haven't smoked but be aware as I heard that male pollen can make a mess...


Active Member
I've smoked male 'flowers' before and they do contain THC. It will keep producing male polloin sacks (or male flowers if you like) for quite a while and they will get you high. But it wont be very potent.