blue an red spectrum


Active Member
hiya i wanted to if i could use both cool white an warm white cfl blubs for veggie at the same time


Well-Known Member
Oh and you SHOULD use both on seedlings, prevents stretching through the SARP effect, red light tells them to stop stretching. Just FYI


Well-Known Member
excellent info northern! I've been wondering about this. I'm about to start a new batch (2nd grow) and was wondering the effects of a pure cool blue spectrum as opposed to mixed. My first grow was started under 2700k because I didn't know any better. I've now got dozens of each. Any idea on what ratio of 2700k to 6500k is ideal?


Well-Known Member
Yes it should not be a problem. Mixing spectrums can be beneficial at times. I have mixed spectrums all the way through vegging and flowering and buds turned out great. As long as there are plenty of lumens, you should be fine. Plants just prefer a certain range during certain stages, but even using different spectrums should's be a problem if it is bright enough. Good luck!