Blue cheese/cheese grows


Well-Known Member
this stinks i get to be the first one to guess on that tree... do i get a door prize for bieng the first?
well heck since you said you were flowering with a 600w im gonna go with 5oz...


Well-Known Member
abm im totally sold on wanting to grow cheeze sometime soon.. just need to weed out the weekest links in my garden and make room for more superstars...
check out this mystery purp im woring with now, shes only 20 days in flower and already super frosty..


Active Member
regg yeah the smell coming of the tree is power,stinks the place out,a door prize haha,and shit yer yur plants lookin good for 20 days
i can see that having a donkey dick for a head,keep them comin regg
and u need some cheese in your garden,i dont know what the weed will be like from seeds,because nobody here grows cheese from seeds cos thers that many different cuttings flyin round
but still worth a try


Well-Known Member
Amazing, I'm thinking at least 10 oz minimum on the blue cheese, looks like some really top notch buds too. But your using canna so u know whats up. Touch of burn on the BC tips, you were hittin her hard eh? lol keep it up man veggies look great.


Active Member
and someguy i get 12-15 oz i could probly get 18 at the most,and yeah canna is the shit yer i giv it a bit of a higher dose of boost but it didnt really do much damage

mr west

Well-Known Member
Very nice mate >>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: I aint got no buds to show off at min i gotta wait till next year lol


Well-Known Member
dam bro you are on it with the pics, so glad we stumbled onto your thread... and yes i do wanna work some cheeze into the mix some time soon...
how could i refuse after seeing yours?