Blue cheese problem.


Well-Known Member
I have a two week old plant that is getting white tips. It kinda looks like nute burn but white. I have been just giving it ph'd bubbled tap water. Any input?


Active Member
if you have your plant within a few inches of a 1kw light u will have light bleaching as ^ said otherwise you wil need to post pic


Well-Known Member
One more question. I have been bubbling my tap water from 24-72 hours. is it possibly a mold from the water? Bump

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Its could possibly be Thrips. The adults like to suck on the leaf edges...being its an outdoor plant they could stopping by to feed on your plant and set up house. Be on the look out for little trails within the leaf margins caused by juveniles.
Or it could possibly be slight nute burn. what brand of medium are you using and are you feeding them any nutes?