Blue Dream clones-- 1 POUND ATTEMPT---need lighting opinion


Well-Known Member
So i finally decided to grow Blue Dream in my attempt to grow at least a lb. My ballast will be arriving on Friday, (Xtrasun Dial-a-watt 1000w) It is switchable to 400w, 600w, 1000w both HPS/MH. I will be growing in soil. The clones that i will be getting are already 14-16" tall and are in 1 gallon pots. Im planning to transplant them in 5 gallon pots.

Is 400watt MH enough for the 4 plants to vegg or should i use a 600 mh??

I plan to flower with a 600 hps, but if i cant get a lb off of that , ill use the 1000w hps. What do you guys think?

What combo do you guys recommend??

I want to be finished by May.


Well-Known Member
How big is your grow area? THe more light, the more the yield. Do you have A/C and everything figured out to keep the room cool and with fresh air?


Well-Known Member
9 ft area use a 600 mh in veg then 1000watt hps for flower or even better get 2 600's, u can keep them closer to the canopy for better yields than a 1000watt hps...


Well-Known Member
i use 2 600's over a 4'x6' area running 30plants sog. but 400 is plenty of light for 4 plants depending on how big u let them veg..but i recomend plants no taller than 3 ft as light penetration only go's 3 ft in depth of the canopy


Well-Known Member
How much do you yield? For how long do you veg ?
i use 2 600's over a 4'x6' area running 30plants sog. but 400 is plenty of light for 4 plants depending on how big u let them veg..but i recomend plants no taller than 3 ft as light penetration only go's 3 ft in depth of the canopy


Well-Known Member
i was planning on vegging for a month and then flip the switch, will that be enough to yield at least a lb? or will i need to get more clones? they are about 14-16" at the moment.
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King Arthur

Well-Known Member
i was planning on vegging for a month and then flip the switch, will that be enough to yield at least a lb? or will i need to get more clones? they are about 14-16" at the moment.
Build a trellis for your ladies ( a netting that goes horizontally across the grow area )
Do two layers of that
Fill in every square with at least one leaf

Be amazed


Well-Known Member
You will need a window A/C in summer if your nightime temperatures get hot, otherwise all the plants will fry and die. 400 watts for veg stage is plenty. run it at 1000 watts during flower, you will get better results. You could fit about a 100 plants easily in that space by the way- And you could add another 1000w light to get many pounds. Make sure you have clones ready to go into flower as soon as your get your first harvest.


Well-Known Member
if the goal is a pound then use a 1000. that should get you a pound no problem. when the plants are 12 inches high get the 1k light on them. you want them to explode the 1k is going to be faster than anything else, the trade off is power usage. a little more power but you'll have more production and faster. fact.
as stated above an A/C unit is going to be a necessity. atmospheric controls are vital to the success of mj cultivation and with a strain like BD high temps will make it stretch out, and in some cases in the 90F and above range stretch so much that the internode spacing is horrendous, and the branches end up laying on the ground they become so lanky. gross.

good things to help you reach your mark you can look into for soil would be, mycos or other beneficials at transplants, teas, calmag, carbs to finish with (molasses), and a good base nutrient. i like using the veg for a few weeks into flower myself. another helpful technique is scrog, great for small grows. good luck.


Well-Known Member
i dont think ull get a lb off 4 plants regardless of size bulb u use, u need to increase the number of plants, pluss id prefer many tops over a tall plant with tons of lower small buds


Well-Known Member
i dont think ull get a lb off 4 plants regardless of size bulb u use, u need to increase the number of plants, pluss id prefer many tops over a tall plant with tons of lower small buds
Naw....on my 2nd, 3rd and 4th grow i got 1.5 lbs off of 4 plants each time. I used a 1000w, vegged for 4 weeks so the plants were about 3 feet high and barely knew what i was doing....


Well-Known Member
I'm vegging a batch to run 4x Blue Dream's in 5gal pots, going for a pound, just a personal challenge and to see how far I can push my lights/setup. The challenge is I'll be using one 315w Elite Agro CMH bulb, I'd think 600w or 1000w should be able to hit that with Blue Dream ;)


Well-Known Member
I'm vegging a batch to run 4x Blue Dream's in 5gal pots, going for a pound, just a personal challenge and to see how far I can push my lights/setup. The challenge is I'll be using one 315w Elite Agro CMH bulb, I'd think 600w or 1000w should be able to hit that with Blue Dream ;)
Here is how to hit it :)
Start em in 1 gallon pots, grow em to bout 18 inches tall. Remove ALL branches & leaves except for the top 2 nodes, then plant em in your 5 gallon pots and bury the stem that you just removed all the leaves from.
there are pics I posted from when I did it here ,,,,,
and I posted more pics of the whole grow on the next page


Well-Known Member
Here is how to hit it :)
Start em in 1 gallon pots, grow em to bout 18 inches tall. Remove ALL branches & leaves except for the top 2 nodes, then plant em in your 5 gallon pots and bury the stem that you just removed all the leaves from.
there are pics I posted from when I did it here ,,,,,
and I posted more pics of the whole grow on the next page
Thanks RM3, will have a look. too late for this round, they're well into veg. Went from 1gal to 3gal, will go to 5gal next weekend then 11-12 days later into flower. I use the fabric pots and they can handle good size plants through the cycle. I started training them early so I'm looking to hit around 36-48 colas between the 4. 1/4 zip + per cola would hit the lb. I'm really testing the light to see how much it can pull from 315w. Don't usually go for weight, more strains/variety/quality but I know these can pull 12 zips from a decent producing strain, trying to see if they can push it out further and hit the elbow. First full round with these lights a few months back, I pulled 7 zips from one of these BD's in a 7gal pot from seed, these are the clones so they should pull a qp each. We'll see, I'll be posting it in a separate thread when I go into flowering.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies , need all the help i can get i appreciated. Well I got my clones a couple days ago, thinking my light was going to arrive on Friday, which it didnt. Meanwhile i placed them by the window at day and under pair of fluoros at night to prevent them from flowering. i should have my light either tmw or wed.


Well-Known Member
I was planning to transplant them into 5 gallon buckets with either ocean forest or happy frog. Any reccomendations??

Im going to attempt the scrog method.


Well-Known Member
Ocean forest will have more juice in it than the happy frog. You could get away with less nutes for a while with the ocean forest. I'd go ahead and top those girls if you plan on putting them under a net. That should control the height a little until your light comes and you can get them under the net.