Blue Dream T-5 Closet Grow


Active Member
Hey guys,
Pakalolo Hui here.

Gonna start a thread here with moslty video updates of my T-5 Blue Dream Closet Grow. Subscribe to the videos for the most recent updates, until posted here. Feel free to ask questions pertaining to this grow.

The 3 clones are in 2 gallon nursery pots. Supersoil for the charge, with roots organic, happy frog, and a little alaskan humus and worm castings mixed in.

1 clone was purchased on the 5th of June the other 2 on the 24th. Bloom started on July 5th.
1 plant will have 3 tops, one 4 tops, and the other 16 tops (Nugbuckets Main-Lining Technique used).

The light is a Sun System Sun Blaze 4' T-5 with 6 bulbs mixed 3 red, 3 blue, 324 watts total. The total closet space is 6' x 22" x 5' - 8', the grow area is obviously 4' x 22" the other 2 ft. is where the oscillating fan is placed, with a carbon filter and fan up above on the shelf.

Here are the first 2 videos of the grow. I plan on doing a video of the closet, light, and exhaust soon.:leaf:
Bare with me, I have a old camera that films 30 sec. at a time that I have to splice together. But it works.

Pakalolo Hui -{|||||||||||}-'

And the 2nd video, one upload per post I was instructed.:-P

Not really sure yet. I've run auto's up until now under those t-5's and avg. about 2 1/4oz. per 2 gal. pot. If I get 6 oz. I will be super happy.
These look great I run a t5 2 foot 8 bulb and plan on mainlining soon, your girl looks great how difficult was it to get her so uniform? That's from clone too and it looks real good! +rep
Not difficult at all to train, check out Budologist420 and Nugbuckets on RIU they are doing it up. There is a link in my first post to Nugs, and a link in Buds signature the post above yours (post #6).
No no I mean I've read and spoken with nugbucket befor I'm aware of mainlining, you know how it is though, he has had a lot of practice so makes it look easy. I was just excited to see someone else doing it especially with a similar t5 set up
Another quick update Day 11 of Bloom. Water, molasses, a small handful of Alaskan Humus pH'd to 6.4 with Apple Cider Vinegar.
Wow never heard that term "indicator leaves". So will those bottom leaves show signs of burn before the rest of the plant?
I believe all tips bun when over fed. It helps to show when they need water really bad, and any Deficiencies that work their way from the bottom up, like Nitrogen.