Blue Mountain Organics vs Bio Bizz?

Chem Dawg

New Member
Not sure if anyone has had any experience with the 2. But which nute line would u choose and why? I've heard wonders about BMO and have had decent success with Bio Bizz. I'm looking for a well rounded nutrient line that rocks in soil. Yield being a factor but also quality.
BMO IS AWESOME! These hippies literally know thier shit!
Support small businesses! The Super Plant Tonic
is amazing! And it smeeeeelllls like success! Lol!
I also added Liquid Karma to the lineup as well,
which is another excellent product!
Then Big Bud Rhino Skin, & Bud Candy for flowering
Weeks 1-6, then
Clearex to
flush 2 weeks pre harvest then Phinal Phase
For the final week. Simple enough!