Blue Mystic Grow Journal

Mine r about ready to grow the fith node . Should I FIM/TOP them after the fifth one grows or wait alil after ? I'm only askin bc I've never topp'd my plants I've jus let them grow but I'm lookin for a serious yield from hopefully 5 females .

You can use whatever topping method you would like, we did a FIM on the two that we topped and it turned out pretty well. We topped our plants once we saw the fourth node, but only because we were stooonneed out of our minds. The fifth is when we should of done it so I think it is a good time for you to top it once you are able to chop down to the fourth node. As long as your ladies are in good shape, it should take about 3 to 5 days for your plants to recover from the topping. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
good luck with that strain, I just got a clone from Dakini Collective Mystic Blue Love the smoke and effect but real touchy to take care of (so far). I mean I got 3 clones at the same time---t-planted them at all at the same time same soil, Yet the Mystic Blue shocked out??? See pic of mystic blue shocked out and just about dead and see the Diesel how good it is going. Same everything. water, soil, time handling etc... touchy strain or something happened to the clone. Yet intrestingly enough the other stuff I have--- called blue dream was a bitch to clone also. see pick of flowering females----just touchy not that I am doing it wrong. I have another clone coming tomorrow same strain I will see what happens to this one.

Hey Cali. The main problem that ppl seem to have with the BM plants is an overwhelming amount of nutes. It seems that BM plants are very sensative to the amount of nutes given to them so that may be your problem. We are now just a little more then a month into our grow and we have only given our ladies nutes once and it was at a 1/4 of the recommended dose. I do not know the details of your grow though so it would be hard for me to pinpoint exactly why they are acting up on you, but if I had a guess then thats what it would be. If you dont think that the amount of nutrients that they have been exposed to is the problem, then send me the details of your grow and we will try to figure it out.
Hey Cali. The main problem that ppl seem to have with the BM plants is an overwhelming amount of nutes. It seems that BM plants are very sensative to the amount of nutes given to them so that may be your problem. We are now just a little more then a month into our grow and we have only given our ladies nutes once and it was at a 1/4 of the recommended dose. I do not know the details of your grow though so it would be hard for me to pinpoint exactly why they are acting up on you, but if I had a guess then thats what it would be. If you dont think that the amount of nutrients that they have been exposed to is the problem, then send me the details of your grow and we will try to figure it out.
That's the Blueberry in it, from everything I've read, Blueberry is very nute sensitive.
We are about a week into flowering and we are going to put up some pics within the next couple of days to show the Griffin Family's growth. We opened up the grow space a little bit b/c they were growing into each other already. We extended our growspace out from about 10 sq ft to about 11 sq ft and by the end of the grow, we will probably have to make it a full 12 sq ft. Gonna let the ladies grow for the next couple of days and then we will take some pics.
TODAY IS A SAD DAY. We had to get rid of our family due to the fact they were found. Workers came into the apartment and saw that we had plants growing in the apartment and because we didnt feel like being arrested we told them that they would be destroyed. If you are looking to grow blue mystic, we highly suggest it as it was a very easy grow. As long as they are taken care of they will show their appreciation. WE ARE VERRRY SAD THAT WE COULDNT FINISH WHAT WE STARTED.
Well I'm sorry to hear about your losses . If it makes u feel any better you guys helped me out soo many times.
I wish I coulda got pictures of them bc they sounded like they were lookin good.
TODAY IS A SAD DAY. We had to get rid of our family due to the fact they were found. Workers came into the apartment and saw that we had plants growing in the apartment and because we didnt feel like being arrested we told them that they would be destroyed. If you are looking to grow blue mystic, we highly suggest it as it was a very easy grow. As long as they are taken care of they will show their appreciation. WE ARE VERRRY SAD THAT WE COULDNT FINISH WHAT WE STARTED.
Man i am totally jacked up right now that is some bad shit to happen i hope that you dont have any problems with your landlords or any others really was excited to see this one finish..But better safe than sorry...Peace