Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*


Well-Known Member
Like the title says I'm grown some blue vemon, which is a blueberry white widow mix, and some Northen Light x Skunk seeds I got from attitude Both fem. This is really only my second grow but my first was just some bag seeds under 2 4ft floros. But this grow I beefed up the grow a bit in my second closet. This time I'm gonna grow 4 plants, 2 of each. My grow space is a closet about idk maybe 10hx5lx3w, if I would have to guess.

I'm running
4 4ft floros (6500K)
1 2ft floro(6500K) and
4 42w CFLs(6500K) with the space and outlets to run 8 CFLs at one time. 2 Heavy duty fans and some tables the pots and my own mixture of soil 1/3 mix of perilite vermiculite and peat moss are mostly all my supplies.

I'm not that keen on nuts yet but I plan to order some in the next couple of days. I'm going to do my research today and tom. Also getting mylar and a better ph meter in the near futre.

Other than that that is pretty much what I'm working with right now. My camera so I can provide pictures is just a crappy camera phone but it's all I have for right now. As you can tell this is a pretty low budget grow. I really work with what I can buy at the store.

So I orderd my seeds on a tue from attitude and recieved them that next mon. I was very please with the whole process. I got mine with a t-shirt.
5 BlueVenom fem
5 NLxSK fem
1 Bubba Kush(free)
1 The Church(free)

Started off germing 2 bv 1 nl and 1 TC. paper towel method of course. By 24hrs 3 of the seeds have germed, all but the church. I planted 3 seeds the next day and put them in a dark room. Unfortuanlly one night I got high and was looked at the other seed and somehow lost it, oh well, long story short I germed 1 more NL and planted it with the two BV and the other little NL.

A couple days and the little girls are coming up looking beautiful.
A little hicup and here in lies my problem.
When the little girls came up I was at work and my gf put them in the room and turned on the lights. Now remember Im running 8 cfls and if you look at the pics you can see how they are positioned by the y splitter and what not. Now she closed the door not knowing and when I came home it was 110 degrees in that room. luckly the babies survived. The problem is it gets way to hot in that room with all those lights. Thats why right now I'm only running the 4 CFLs and monitering the temp very closing till I fix my venting issue.:wall:

So thats pretty much where I am at right now, about a week in they are a couple inchs high looking healthy and happy.

These pics are of the grow room. I'll inline next time just didn't know how to....The little ladies are too small right now for my camera to really get a good pic of them but you can see their pots.

I really don't mind anyone posting subbing whatever. I'm mostly doing this so I can keep track of my dates and how long because I have a horrible memory. But really any suggestions, help, w/e I dont mind, like I said this is only my second grow.

Will be updating almost daily. Till tom.



Well-Known Member
The temp still seems to be a problem. If I run only 2 CFL the temp seems steady at 82 but it wasnt a very hot day today so I will have to watch it. I'm only worried that when they get bigger and I want to run 4 or 6 or even 8 CFLs the temp issue is not going to be resolved. Maybe more fans.....


Well-Known Member
Temp seems fine for now the little girls are shooting up. I'll take a pic today and get it up. Went and bought a magnify glass today but it doesnt work very good so I am going to take it back. Also going to buy some emergency blankets to ghetto rig a reflector for my lights.


Well-Known Member
I went to wally world today and got some emergency blankets. I lined the room with that and also fashioned this little hood and of a cut cardboards box I found lieing around.
I made it just long enoughto kind of make a little hood/half dome around the plants for now.
The temp seems stable at about 86. Ph is fine also.
As the plant get taller I'll somehow move the hood up with the light but I'll worry about that later.


Well-Known Member
Subd. 86 is going to be too hot soon! Add fans or vents or something! Need to get it down to LOW 80's at the highest...
Right on man thanks for the sub.:peace:

I became a little laxed on the posting and I apologize:roll:. But the little ladies are doing great. About the temp I'm only running the two floros right now I keep the temp pretty constant at 84. Now once I get my other harvest done and I can take the two fans out of my flowering room then I can bring the temp down even more. And really mid 80's isn't that bad. A general rule for me is below 90 above 70. I know I won't be able to keep that temp when I get my cfl's going but I have a couple ideas in the works for how to bring the temp down even more. but seeing as I can not vent the room by cutting holes, I am kind of limited with my choices.
But I will cross that bridge when I come to it:roll:.
These pics are of the little ladies. They are looking so good in these pics. Because I was laxed these are the older pics. The ladies are about a week old in this pic. I have the pots marked but you can't see which is which but the first one and the last ones are the NL xskunk and the middle two and the Blue venom.
All the little babies are looking great in these pics, but you can see in the third pic the little girl has some retarded leaves. Idk why they grew like that but I still love her and her third set of leaves are looking fine.:mrgreen:
More pics in next post.



Well-Known Member
Im going to post twice in one night....

Ordered my fox farm nutes the other day, should be here by tom and then after a couple days I'm going to start 1/4. I got the tiger bloom and the big grow. I took these pics tonight too. These are about 2 weeks in.
The little girls are looking so good. You can see the retarded leaves on one but like I said her next set seems to be coming in straight....
The other BV is the biggest and looking great.
The two NL are looking good also.

in order:NL1,BV1,group pic,NL2,group2,BV2 ( I will refer to them as such from now on )



Well-Known Member
Well update time. About to hit the 2 week mark and everything is going ok. The only thing that is really still bothering me in the temp. It still is hovering around 86 during the day and 80 at night. It doesnt seem to be affecting the plants but I know that temp is a little to high:roll:. But I think I'll be alright as long as I keep it constant....I is bothering me though. I wish I could just vent the room and put two inline fans but I cant cut holes in the wall:?. I have 4 fans running right now with a ghetto made little tube directing the a/c to the room. Keeps the temp steady but like I said its still around 86.

I guess we will see if that gives me problems later in the op. Idk I just don't have any ideas left right now.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Well enough bad news! The ladies are looking great at 2 weeks old:mrgreen:. The two BV are the biggest and the retarded BV's leaves have since straighted out. They are all looking lush and green. I got my order of fox farm nutes yesterday in the mail. I got fox farm big grow and fox farm tiger bloom. So next watering I'm going to through about a 1/8 of a teaspoon per gal and start em on the big grow. Just been watering every other day or so with just plain filtered water. Other than that though I abandened the little hood I made and instead I have one fave blowing cold air in now and one blowing air out. Idk just trying to bring the temp down. Any suggestions would be nice. Heres some pics with my new cam!




Im very interested. I order all my seeds from attitude. Ive just heard bad things about G13, as in there accused of stealing other peoples work etc. I ordered the pineapple express from them as you can see in my grow I have going on. I definitely want to see your kids grow up.


Well-Known Member
Welcome then. I also subed to watch your little babies grow too as you can see from my post.

mini update: Topped the little girls today just above the 1st node. Only going for 2 biggies so we will see how that goes. I throw some pics up when I see new growth. Also started them on 1/4 strength nutes.


Well-Known Member
Right on man nice to have you:peace:

Little babies are already showing growth where I topped them. I'm going to get some good pics up tom of the new growth. Not much but its something. Still having questions about these nutes I got though. Being that the NPK ratio is so low 6-4-4 I'm wondering if I shouldnt use more to get a higher dose of nitrogen?:confused::confused: Or maybe supplement with something?:confused::confused:


What are you currently mixing in your cocktails? Im not sure if your experienced with General Hydro or not.. I was looking at the Flora Grow, Floralicous Plus and the Flora Blend. There basically all the same shit after I looked at the ingredients. There might be some diffrent trace minerals or some shit. I just know whatever the hell I am doing its working.. Does FoxFarm offer a nute calculator? Ya for sure, lets see those pics!


Well-Known Member
I don't really use any "cocktails" to speak of, and I think after careful consideration that I'm am going with the "less is more" approach. I figureed the same thing man when I looked at all the different nutes that they offer, there all basically the same shit. I'm just going with a 1/8 nute regiment for the first couple of feedings and go up 1/4 every couple of feedings till they get big enough for full strength.
If fox farm offers a nute calculator than I don't know where to find it?:-?
I'm getting the pics together now....

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hey Robb, just wanted to say very good grow show you've got going on! The Blue Venom caught my eye because I have my first BV going and am very impressed with this girl's potential. She was planted 3-30, so we are 56 days old, 13" tall and already showing sex sign!
I normaly would not post a pic on someone else's journal, but thought you would like to see another BV.
Good luck & good grow.......BBbongsmilie



Well-Known Member
I really appreciate the kind words man:peace:


I am really excited about my recent toping:mrgreen::mrgreen:. It was my first ever and it went great. The NL2 was a little young for the toping but she is doing great. They all have their little growths going and everything seems fine. I'm switching them to a 20/4 like schedule and going to up the nutes to 1/4 strength next feeding.

Checked the PH today and it seemed a little high:roll:. It read about 6.8-7.0, which I know isnt too high but a little high for me. I like to keep them around 6.3-6.8 so they can absord the nutes well. I checked the ph of the filtered water I've been giving them and it was also high around 7.0-7.2. So next feeding I'll just throw a little PH down in there and they should be fine.....:-?

Hope you enjoy the pics, my cam is only a 10mgpxl so its not all that great but it does alright.



Well-Known Member
Hey man Not sure if you have this or not, but it might help you. it goes up to 3 or 4 weeks in veg, I think if you decided to go more after those few weeks and pace your self things will be fine. If you already have this, Ill see what else I can dig up for ya :)

I've never seen that....right on man! I'm going to study this and see what kind of changes I want to make on this. I don't think I need to have big grow and bloom going at the same time though. I really looking to do a low nute grow. Do you think that would be a good idea?