Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*


IMO I am a firm believer in product guidelines.. In the past some of my plants I have done with a soil grow I have used just straight fish emulsion The results werent the best but I had a little bud and it got me high.. I think its all about what you want from your plants.. If you want some big monster potent sticky bastards.. I would defiantly follow the schedule. Im using General Hydroponics in my grow. Some folks say to just stay a little under Calculator/Schedule Guidelines to avoid burning.. Ive been following my caluclator the the T, and you see my results.. Im also giving nutes with every watering. your plants with them being in soil there also pulling other valuable nutrients from that. Another thing to consider is some bagseed you can torture and play with. I dont want to give you a bad suggestion and fuck up your plants.. those are some really nice strains you have. I know you want to go with a low nute grow. If it were me and I were in your shoes I would look at the schedule and go with the guidelines. Some of the supplements it suggest I dont think would be that important..

Does this help you out at all?


I just looked at a few of your pics and they seem to be the same size as mine if not bigger at the two week mark you had listed... I dont know if your like me or not. Im always wanting to tinker and experiment, but if the shits not broke why fix it lol


Well-Known Member
Right on man I feel I am a tinkerer too. I'm also trying to improve somehow. Really my plants are doing fine but I think I am going to order that big bloom from FF so I can following that schedule somewhat. I'm still going to go with a low nute schedule tho. Less is always better in my book. Yea I've been following your grow too man. Your plants are the same age as mine?

Really man your info is helping me out and I enjoy just the conversation flow with a fellow grower who seems on the same level as me.

I just ordered the FF big grow.


ya. my small ones are 2 weeks old sunday. right on.. Im always into insight and learning from anyone no matter there experience level. ya fox farm is excellent for dirt, general hydro for hydroponics. i dont know if you have read into advanced nutrients, but that shit gets insane.. its defiantly not for the faint hearted.


oh ya, not that im trying to get you to buy a bunch of shit, but this is a product I have found beneficial and for the price you cant beat it. When I went to the hydro store before my transplant. I was very interested in root bacteria. Theres a few products out there that make the stuff its just really pricey. Advanced Nutrients has voodoo juice.. GenHydro has subcultures, that have fungus and bacteria both for a whopping 80 bucks. this stuff seems pretty cool and it was cheap.. 20bucks.. oh ya heres a link I found


Well-Known Member
Ahh finally I get some type to write. Been a hard week at work but I finally made it to my weekend:mrgreen:.

Day 23
The little girls are doing great:mrgreen:. The toppings turned out great and they are growing on schedule. The are about 6-8 inchs tall and really have no signs of stress of any kind. Temp is still holding steady at or around 84 humidity is around 35. Pretty fair conditions. Still only running 2 of the 4ft floros and 2 42w CFL. I have them on a 2 on 1 off nute schedule still at about 1/4 strength. Like I said I'm not a big nute guy, I think nute burnign is horrible and I like a more organic grow. Well as close as I can get to organic I'll say that.

About to order 8 more 42 w CFL so when they get a little taller I can have all around CFL coverage on every plant. As of right now, like I said, they only have the 2 4fts and 2 42w. epoo love the input man, I know your just givin me some good info not trying to get me to buy anything. Can I use that stuff in soil though? And where would one purchase that item? I just got my FF Big bloom so right now I'm good on my nute regiment, you think I should add that in though?:confused::confused:

I'm going to take some pics today just to update for you guys. They are looking beautiful:mrgreen::mrgreen:.

I'll have em up later today :peace:4now


Well-Known Member
Day 25

Got 3-23w 6500k running now and the temp is still holding. I'm liking how this is turning out. I almost bought a window a/c unit for the room and I think I am going to to bring the temp even further down. Really I want it running at like 75F.....I know thats 10F but I think I can get it with a window a/c unit. Got some pics, lots o pics. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Really didnt notice anything wrong with the plants when I was inspectioning them other than both of the BV have some type of burning just on the first 3 leaf set. I think its from when they got nuked by my gf:roll:. I'm really not to worried about it as it is on the 3 leaf set and they dont really matter. It's not nute burn or anything I know that. But as I was looking at these pics you can def tell the BV are more bushy, which is to be expected because of its more indica, but it just looks a little droopy to me:neutral:. Both of the do....but really I think thats because I'm trying to compare them to the NL strain which seem to be perky:?:?.
It's not really cause for alarm, do you think?:confused::confused: I think its just the different strains showing their traits.

Temps at 84. Ph of water I give them is about 6.3-6.5. Hum is 35%. Only 1/4 nutes. Only water every other day or maybe every third day. So I don't think anything is wrong.....:neutral::neutral:

Got my FF Big Bloom and my 5 gal grow bags that I am going to be transplanting them into later this week:mrgreen:!
They should love those big bags. Filled em up with my promix today and going to let the soil sunback tom morning then bring it in.:blsmoke::blsmoke:
Going to start them on a 1/2 nute schedule next feeding and throw in the BB just like the schedule says. Toppings are fine of course. Stay tuned....




Ya I had similar issues when I noticed a little droop on my vanilla.. I thinks its due to certain areas of the plant getting lower amounts of light. from what I can tell. someone is gonna be baked out of there skull this fall bongsmilie :eyesmoke:

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Hi Robb, Man, those are some beautiful, tight girls you got goin' on! I'm especially interested in the BV. Mine is 60 days from seed, about 15 inches high, and already getting a very distinctive odor. You have done an excellent job on the LST. Going into 5 gal grow bags will give some incredible production. Kudos Man, I look forward to continued reports. Good luck & good grow.......BB


Well-Known Member
Right on BB, Icannabis thanks for the kind words man I appreciate it!:peace:

And thanks for the heads up epoo, I just went and ordered some Lowryder Diesel for my next grow. Got 8 free seeds!!:shock::shock:

I'll be updating tomorrow with pics and stuff though. I borught down the temp of the room and those BV shot up. They are looking beautiful. I'm transplanting tonight....I'll have pics tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Transplanted last night and got them into a different room where the temp is a little lower. Hovers around 76-82, so it's a little bit better. Transplanting went fine no hiccups or anything. I'll have pics up later today.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just got done watching Fall of the Republic the Alex Jones little movie. It was pretty good, blew my mind at a couple parts but nothing I really didn't already think....

Day 31: So a lot has happened in the past since I last posted a update. Like I said I transplanted them into those 5 gallon bags and it went fine. I also moved them into a cooler closet so the temp is staying low when I have my floros and my 3 cfls on.
I ordered a couple things too. I got 2 105w 2700k cfls coming in for when I flower them. I'm really excited about that:clap::clap:. I think that will really help me get some denser bud this time around. And I'm going to see how the temp holds and maybe even upgrade to 3 105w.
I am starting to find however that I wish I only grew 2 plants. Especially since I have these big 5 gallon bags, I am just finding those are over kill for home big I really want to veg these plants. If I only have 2 plants in 2 5 gallon bags really I would only veg them about 2-3 ft high but with 4 plants and my lighting situation I really only want to veg these babies 2 ft max. But a bigger root ball can never hurt I just know I dont have the lighting to flower 4 massive plants:sad:.

Also I bought some PH up and down FOR PLANTS. Here in lies my problem/my utter stupidity.....I was using Spa ph up and down:?. I don't know why I thought it was the same thing but after I saw the damage on my plants I relized it prob has other chemicals that arnt good for plants.....DUH! So try not to do what I did. I got pics of the damage its only on the lower first leaves (3leafset) and one fan leaf and some browning/holes in some lower fan leaves. I've sinced watered them once with just plain water and I am going to water without any nutes/plain water for the next 3 feedings.

Maining just because to let them get over the shock of the transplant and just to let them recover from my blunder. Other than that though one of the BV looks to be either overwatered or just droopy from heat stress but I'm thinking its cause I watered it too much to get the ph shit out. So I'm pretty much letting them all take a break for a couple days from water and a couple feedings of nutes and I bet all of em perk up and recover well.:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Updated pics here too. Let me know what you guys think! I love input!

Oh yea and I ordered some seeds the other day too. Some low ryder diesel....just looking forward to the next grow. thanks epoo!



Well-Known Member
Just got my two 105w 2700k in the mail. They are huge. I think I got the wrong bulb but these ones put out over 7,000 lumens each. I figure I'll have two of the 105w and 2 42w plus my floros all for flowering I'll be good. Plus I LSTd them today a little and am getting even better light coverage on the lower canopy. I'll have pics up later.


you figure out the cause of the yellow on your leaves? Im starting to get some similar problems


Well-Known Member
Yea I think it is because I was using the Spa Ph shit like I said. but I've stoped using it still seems to be yellowing but only on the fan leaves.....