Blue Widow & Blueberry under 12/12 soil CFLs


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,
I will start by apologizing, I've been lazy and haven't documented my last grow, I had a nice Sour Kush (maybe I will post some pics later on in this journal).
Now I've started a new project, a different one compared with what I grew so far. The reason I am saying that is because now I will grow under 12/12 from seed.
I got 2 nice healthy looking 1xBlue Widow and 1xBlueberry seeds left. Started the blue widow first, this was...around 5 weeks ago, and after about 2 weeks I've started the blueberry as well.

Soil: I am using Royalty Mix Plargon
Water: some local still water I found very cheap and has a nice pH of 6.2
Light: I have my old setup - 1x 135 W CFL 27000k and 1x 110 W CFL 65000k
Nutrients: starting them in week 5-6 of grow (so my girls will start getting nutrients soon) and I am using a good product from Plargon as well, Algae juice. And I got some small bottle as well this time, some green jelly looking thingy. I'll come with details later on.

At this stage, both plants showed their sexes and both are females.


So, the one in the left is the Blueberry and the one in the green pot, on the right, the Bluewidow.
When I've planted the blueberry, I was short on soil (the good one) and I've tried to cheat by putting on the bottom of the pot some poison ( miracle grow)
My last pH reading was on the left, Blueberry acidic ( orange so that would be around 4.5) and on the Bluewidow on the right was dark green, so alkaline around 8.5

Now...I've noticed on the right one with low pH that she's a bit slow and pale green looking. She is under the 65000k CFL. ( I've done flowerings under vegetation light and it's fine, they grow great and develop superb; check my journal Apocalyptic Blueberry and you'll see results)
The reason her pH might be so low acidic, may be because of the bottom miracle grow soil (?) because I am measuring the water from the tray.
Would be curious what do you think about this.
Regarding the right one, the blue widow, haven't grew this strain before ( supposed to be a mix between blueberry and white widow, indica dominant, and this was clear after her firs set of true leaves. very fat looking)
She has the high pH...don't know what decision to take about this. I have a pH down solution but I wouldn't jump into that. She doesn't have any symptoms into her. Has happy leaves, pointing up, no marks on her leaves...Would appreciate some advice from you guys as well.


Well-Known Member

the girls are growing. had some issues with the pH levels. The Blueberry was too acidic and I manage to correct it just with normal water. The problem with it...looks un-developed. The Bluewidow is doing well. Nice and strong, started to put on the buds. It will be a small harvest, but at least it'll be a bit. Promise to put some pics today!


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'll try to put some pictures in some organized way. I'll start with the Blue widow.



Well-Known Member
This Blueberry strain is one strange strain... later on this journal, at a stage, I will choose 3 (or more pics) showing from my experience how different this plant can be... I presume is based on the phenotype (?!) Still, I got this 5 seed pack from Attitude, had 2 plants couple of months ago, both of them even if they came from the same pack, they were different, and now, the 3rd one, it doesn't look or behave no where similar with the previous 2. Regarding the environment, basically it was the same for all 3 of them. Now, this one that I am growing now...looks...more like sativa dominant, the leaves are narrow and long, she is getting taller and taller and the buds she's forming they look like...small hedgehogs. The pistils are very long. Interesting enough (at least for me)
Later on the week I'll post some more photos.
The Bluewidow is doing great. She is putting on weight over the buds. No sign of any problems in the leaves or aspect. Lovely strain so far I was telling, the 12/12 is just an experiment, it's not my cup of tea...but if you want fast and small quantity...then should be just fine. But...honestly the most beautiful part in growing this plant is the vegetation and when you are training the plant to give more fruits by LSTing/FIM/trim/etc. The's the easiest part of them all...just 12/12 it, give it water with nutrients(mind not to burn) and you'll have some smoke.
I'm curios about the bluewidow...never tried it(or at least I don't know if I've tried it). Combination between blueberry and white widow...should be interesting enough. Did any of you had this strain before?


Well-Known Member
"Less is More -I only give my plants what is Needed ...Not what I Think they should get!"



Well-Known Member
and some new pics, the Bluewidow it's almost done, I would say maybe less then a week. The always it's a long flowering strain, so I think it has at least 3-4 weeks in there, maybe more...
I've started only water for the Bluewidow, the blueberry is still suckin' on the algae juice

and some pics with the bluewidow


Well-Known Member
yup, I remember the Blueberry...interesting enough strain. Very robust, gives a good big harvest and really enjoy the high. It tastes totally different compared with other strains. It's hard to explain. Doesn't taste like blueberry at all, but it has a fruity kind of aroma. Low in resin, but big nice coals at the end. Downside for fast's taking a lot to finish.
Up until now, love the way the bluewidow is developing. Very big leaves, robust plant, and...nice dense buds. Even the popcorn looks nice and fat! Depending on the taste and high, I would like to grow again a Bluewidow, but to keep it for a while in veg first and to LST the hell out of her.