Blueberry and Purp Closet Grow / Clone setup


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I transplanted my blueberry and purple clone into roots organics soil in pots on October 6th 2008. Currently I am using Cutting Edge nutrients (micro, bloom, grow). As for lighting I am using a sun systems 400w ballast with a super sun 2 hood that I have vented by a 4 inch fan out of my closet. As for intake I have tapped into the house ventilation system and dropped my dryer ducting in behind my ladies so they can get fresh air (we always have the fan circulating air on the main thermostat in the home). Sometimes I experience high temperatures in the room and I don't think I am going to be able to get away without putting in another extraction fan in soon.
My blueberry plant has taken off since I planted in my pots and has been looking perfect so instead of waiting around to get more clones from a friend, I decided to take some cuttings from my own plants. I ended up using some dip n' grow rooting solution and placing them in rockwool cubes contained in a mini greenhouse. I was only able to get one cutting from the purple plant (Krystal) as it was not in the best of shape. On the other hand, I clipped 5 from the blueberry plant (Jenna). I am anxious to see how everything turns out as this is my first grow. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance guys



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I ended up staking my clones so they had some support and it looks to me like they are taking for the most part. I'm waiting for my blueberry plant to come back fully after being clipped. I don't think I should have taken as many cuttings as I did as the plant looks pretty thinned out right now, but I've gotta make the best of it now. I am still running my lights 18/6 as I need that period for flowering and can still develop my clones at the same time. I will eventually just have to let my two initial plants stay in veg mode until my other babies come around as well before flowering on the 12/12 period. I should have some filled out plants around this time. Imput is appreciated, thanks guys. I'm hella excited each day, this is already getting addicting
more pics



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I put my clones a little higher up the other night resting on a 5 gallon bucket. I am worried that I damaged some of them. Gonna drop the clones a lil lower and see how they fair.


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I dumped all those clones in the trash I wish I hadn't put them closer to the light as I did. I should have just been more patient with them and let them be but I guess I'll just have to focus my attention on the two that I've potted already. I want to make the best of these to; I plan to top and double pot both of them. I was way over my head when I got my clones this grow. I look forward to this yield, but next time around I want to get more for my time.
Dissapointed and anxious...


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Just fim'd both the plants and I'm going to the shop tomorrow to pick up another pot so I can give this girls some more root growth area.


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r.i.p. clones :D
but those 2 other plants look fucking tight !
good luck man !
i cant wait to see more pictures!!


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Transplanted to some larger pots a couple days ago. I've had these vegging for 3 weeks and I was wondering if you guys think I'd be safe switchin over to flowering lighting (12/12).



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Temperature is not a problem at all anymore as the weather has been getting much cooler here in northern california. I am able to vent the closet with the four inch fan pulling air thru the hood and out of the room effectively. For the first time around I am content with everything and just want to get thru this run and am anxious to get started bigger and better next time.s


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Long time for a reply, but I pulled only 9 grams off the purple plant and 12 off the blueberry. Basically nothing but they both smoked nice.