Well-Known Member
Ya but that's what's great about then is you can if you want but you don't have toRun a pump if you want. Pumps are great.
Ya but that's what's great about then is you can if you want but you don't have toRun a pump if you want. Pumps are great.
I might try it with gaia green and other dry amendments and just water next time we will seeCouldn't have said it better myself.
Feel the exact same way, saves so much time and back pain, now I just dump one pail o water into another to fill my res and the plants and soil do the rest. Only time I have to get in the tent now is to top dress(every 2 weeks roughly) and some defoliation
Cannabis plants like a wet/dry cycle in soil especially, I wouldn't use blumat if anything look into drip irrigation.
For this trial, I want the simplicity of not using a pump.
My current tent is 95% automated through a raspberry pi, pumps, sensors, and relays.
Most of the complexity is dealing with fertigation and its removal.
The blumats will be the antithesis of that approach, it'll be cool to compare the two.
Good to hear a meter of height is sufficient, thanks.
Have you seen these? I considered trying them out last year, but they were too big for my trays. It seems like it would work for rockwool. I think the sensors can be used without their special mats, but I'm not sure.That sounds interesting.
I'm still procrastinating about using a capillary mat and fabric pots with 100% coco. I know it works. Just have to switch over. Capillary mats work with soil as well.
They work amazingly with living soilDo These work as well for soil as coco
I also top dress every few weeks or as needed right under the drip line.Do These work as well for soil as coco
I've only ran straight water through my blumats but from what I've read is you can run clean nutrients that dissolve and mix with water easily, as far as strength I've read that you want to reduce your ec as your constantly feeding your plants. I think if you do it this way you don't have to flush your plants because of salt build up.Not using living soil but I am using the coast of Maine and adding in 15-20% perlite. Would it be better to add my nutrients in the reservoir at a reduced amount or just feed separately.I am currently using the gh maxibloom. 4 plants on 5gln fiber pots or maybe switching to the plant warrior pots . The blumat I will have has the five gln reservoir 10 carrots but was gonna use 2 carrots on each pot. I also ordered the extra droppers and may have a splitter drip on both carrots to give 4 spots to water each pot.wrong way or correct way to use. Looking for some advise since first time using and the Main reason wanna use it is because it’s a bitch to water four full size plants in a 3x3 and can’t access but one side of the tent. If I feed every time what would u advice on the amounts of the maxi to add to 5 glns. Wanna get the hang of it and maybe switch to coco later
Sustainable village is the US distributor for blumats.A comprehensive Blumat resource:
Have you seen these? I considered trying them out last year, but they were too big for my trays. It seems like it would work for rockwool. I think the sensors can be used without their special mats, but I'm not sure.
Complete 4' x 4' Aquamat w/ Blumat and BluSoak Capillary Mat System Kit
DetailsThis kit contains everything necessary, aside from a reservoir and water supply, to set up a 4' x 4' aquamat capillary mat system irrigated with blumat/blusoak technology.Click here to download the instructions.The surface blumat keeps the capillary mat at a steady level of moisture. This...www.sustainablevillage.com
where is the reducer. I just installed my blumatt the other day and don’t wanna have issues down the roadI checked my plants this morning and found some of them a bit wilted. After a long slow hand watering, I investigated and discovered that the pressure reducer has a screen inside of it that was clogged. I broke it down and cleaned it out and now everything is okay. I'm not adding anything aside from Jack's from here on out, and I'm going to make sure to clean the reducer about once a month.