Blunts or Bongs???


Active Member
Me and my friend argue all the time about which gets you higher bongs or blunts. I say bong gets you higher, because I can get just as high off of half as much weed with a bong as I can with a blunt. I was just going to see what other smokers think. Hit me back


Well-Known Member
Bong's are highly suggested for getting a good stoney high. The bong's also clean out some of the tar and harmful byproducts from the smoke, but this can be disputed.

Blunts and Joint's are a little different, you're actually burning the weed constantly from its cherry, and you aren't getting all of the smoke that you should, because it is being emitted from two ends. Joint's and blunts however come with a smooth normal paced high, and thats what I usually prefer at times.


Well-Known Member

i had to end a friendship with a dude because he could not understand that smoking blunts was not allowed in my apartment, nor was rolling them up getting wrapper all on the floor and in my couch.


Well-Known Member
burning weed in a joint or blunt is actually one of the best ways to burn thc.
go sit in a car and smoke 3 blunts listening to darkside of the moon
then tell me you get higher off bongs

but hey
dont get me wrong
i love my bongs
and there the only thing i smoke out of
i smoke blunts on ocasionss when i want to get reallly stoned


Well-Known Member
Both...A nice Garcia Vega (green leaf) filled up with some early sativa. (Burmese.) Then a few good bowls of Kahuna. Then a sweet ole blunt wrap with some couch lock Northern Lights to top it all off. Now we're chillin... IMO Much Love.
All that in one sitting? Fuck, I must be getting old.
My vote is for bongs. As noted earlier in the thread, I don't like the idea of smoking paper and the added carcinogens. Bongs just hit better.