old post, i know, but i just got a pack of bingo pajamas today and i was searching to see if i could find what the actual lineage is for this cross(have no idea since the pack came as compensation for screwing up my 420 order, still isnt one of the packs i paid and asked for, and is labeled 2016 spring
gift blessing....whatever, over it, on to the next one)..
as it happens tom robbins is my favorite author. in the book jitterbug perfume, Bingo Pajama was a street vendor in new orleans selling flowers, he had the best jasmine in the world from jamaica. "Bingo Pajama smelled good. He smelled sweet. his floral brain was so active it produced a sort of neocortical honey. it actually attracted bees."..had to dig out my copy and thumb through it for half an hour to find that

Bingo Pajama had a "crown" of bees always swarming around his head. Cops fucked with him, got stung to death. "When western artists wished to demonstrate that a person was holy, they painted a ring of light around the divine one's head. European artists painted a more diffused aura. The message was the same. The aura signified that the light was on in the subject's brain. The neocortex was fully operative. There is, however, a second interpretation of the halo. It can be read as a symbolized, highly stylized swarm of bees." anyways, id bet my cock and balls thats where this name came from more so than getting high as fuck before going to play bingo! lol
i guess i'll have to release a swarm of bees into my grow room when i pop these!