Thank you! Green cure really kicks its ass but now i just have to slaughter it with sulfur burner. My buddy put one in his room it was covered in pm, gone in two weeks or less. I wish you more luck as well! Sounds like u have been extremely lucky lol!
lucks definition varies widely, but at least there is one aspect of my life that works out!
What's your gnat method... Always like to hear what different people do for gnats....just had to discard half a bag of roots Organics soil....was too far gone...
well I don't want to give all my secrets away till I publish my 26 volume grow books....but....wait for it...a fan

gone in 2 days, if for some reason that doesn't do the trick I have BTI (MicrobeLIFT) thats a solid nuke.and if THAT doesn't work I get medieval with a shop vac hose and take off the top layer of soil, get said fan let that all dry out well, then cover with new soil, seems to work