@Amos Otis and everyone else,
As you have said in an earlier post we have had people recently who have sent us photos of "crushed Bodhi's" which I know and you know aren't the seeds we sent. We are not prepared to take the risk of a resend. You know that what you buy from us is what you get. We have no interest in sending any customer fake, short packs or bag seeds. It doesn't make great business sense on our behalf screwing someone over for a couple of dollars when we want you guys to order from us again and again. If you guys on here are not happy with how we are sending please tell us. With regards to the opened packs the guys have had to put two packs together to make one. This does not happen every time but on occasions the guys have mistakenly opened full packs rather than using the current split packs. You have to understand we have 120+ seed banks that we sell most have a minimum of 15 different strains which can be in three different forms 3,5,10 packs. On a very rough calculation that's an absolute minimum of 5000 packs we have in the warehouse. Sometimes mistakes happen and the wrong packs are open. When this happens we normally line the guy from the stock room up and "shoot him" on your behalf. Now after running out of guys to employee we have changed our tactic of giving them another chance! We try to help you guys out as much as possible and are always grateful for your honest opinions. As I have stated before we have zero interest on selling fake seeds and get disheartened with people keep mentioning it regarding the company.
We are still building our reputation and business and always need the support of the RIU community, so if I haven't answered any of your questions or their is still some confusion please get in contact. Please note though that sometimes it is difficult to find your comments on this thread so might be easier to PM me, email me or write on our
own thread here.
Midweek Song
P.S Please note we do not harm any members of our team. (Although sometimes I wish I could)