@undercovergrow has prolly seen the most phenos of ssdd of any active user on this thread, i believe she only grows from seed, hopefully she can chime in for ya.
As for me ssdd has been my favorite. i got 4 females from a pack and kept all 4 for a year. i just let go of my butter cut last month. but the other 3 i still have.
One of them is an og type. We call her "spread" after the prison food. kinda lanky and maybe a lil bland on flavor. but that girl makes thee best hash of any plant i have. i hate trimming. but seriously i look forward to trim her just for a lil toke of some of her blond goo scissor hash.
The other pheno i didnt mention was the one we call "wizard hat". shes the chem dom grape flavored one. i f2ed her and the bubbashine. i plan to work the line on the wiz hat side because for one shes that awesome and two i want to be abke to always have her. unreal flavor, high, and bag appeal. when people score some thats all they want from then on.
All i can really say is whoever hasnt tried ssdd, u really should give it a shot. Or not, more for me

. the strain has impacted me so much that for the first time in my life i tried breeding. that same pack produced a very promising male. most impressive plant ive ever come across, im just not quite sure how he mixes yet. other than that hes big vigorous and frosty. i was able to smoke some of his frosty sugar leafs- delicious bubbashine flavor, but on a different frame.