Oh awesome, thanks y'all! Im gonna go research vapes now.
If you haven't already, check out
www.fuckcombustion.com for vape research, gold mine of info.
I've been vaping for about 15yrs now and have owned and used a LOT of vapes so allow me to offer just one suggestion, go with your instinct here:
Price isnt really a huge issue, as I'd rather invest in a great vape the first time around. I've heard the mighty is awesome.
and buy the best vape you can afford that fits your needs (after much research).
For portables I use a Mighty like
jayblaze710 mentioned, now for about 3yrs I think, since it first came out. It still going strong (S&B German engineering and manufacturing is top notch, still have a Volcano that is 15yrs old and still runs though I don't use it) and is a kick ass little machine and the best portable I've personally used. They have little capsules now that you can pre-pack your flower into and just carry those. It also has oil pads and the such for using extractions. As big a hitting portable as you're going to find.
But, for home use, and for the best vaping experience you can get in terms of sheer power and impact, and comes closest to replicating smoking effects, you can't beat a plug-in 'desktop vape'.
I am talking specifically about the models he is talking about:
There are some vaporizers that allow for extremely fast extraction and vaporization, but they’re more of a niche product.
My personal top #1 vape, the hardest hitting vape by far I've ever tried, is the Sublimator.
These units are large and unweildy and expensive but, ho-lee-shit, nothing hits like them.
I paid about $600US for my base kit to use with my own glass pieces. However, this thing has run damn near 24/7 for the last 5 years, I kid you not. It's almost always on and ready for the wife and I (except when we sleep). No vape can hit the pain like this one also. It also produces a reclaim oil called sublimate that makes for excellent night time 'double deckers'... this is hitting flower and oil at the same time.
My 2nd place vape which I also owned until I my dog pulled it off the table, doh, is the Cloud EVO.
This is more refined than the Sublimator and almost as big a hitter. But a bit fragile with the glass bamboo (as it's called) which is the glass tube airpath.
There are a handful of others that qualify as big hitters, the members at FuckCombustion will answer any questions you have and steer you in the right direction for exactly what you want. You won't regret starting vaping, even if you don't give up toking completely (I still toke a bit), you'll find yourself vaping more often than not IF you get the right tool, if not it can be a very unrewarding experience... akin to having to take tiny sips of beer when you're used to chugging.
Good luck in your search.

Sorry to hijack the thread.
Here is the Sublimator:
The Cloud EVO: