bodhi seeds

Well Bodhi gear isn't know necessarily for huge yields, granted I've seen some really nice yields from our clan. Really its about having quality medicine grade cannabis
All the gear I have had from him just needs a little trqining and yields are phenomenal considering the excellent quality. I will see with the Deadly G but all his Sats are very generous indeed.
All the gear I have had from him just needs a little trqining and yields are phenomenal considering the excellent quality. I will see with the Deadly G but all his Sats are very generous indeed.
I've noticed that larger pots certainly help. Last Goji run with a 5 gallon was very generous compared to when I ran her in 3 gallon. Those 2 extra gallons changed 1.75 ounces to just above 3.
You bet. The point for me is to sample the plant, and become familiar w/ it's characteristics while growing, not yield. If I really like them, the next girls get to be the jar fillers.

Honestly, however, yield on these Bodhi plants is not one of my main concerns. I'm in it to partake in what I hear is top flyte smoke. As long as they yield at least avg, I'm good. Even so, I'll be surprised if each of these testers didn't give up 2 zips ea of dried nugs.
i do this for money so i need to make sure i get a certain amount per crop. i also take pride in having quality weed so i know with bodhi I'm good. these atf's are fattening up nice! i know this will work as long as its fire. not worried though lol
All the gear I have had from him just needs a little trqining and yields are phenomenal considering the excellent quality. I will see with the Deadly G but all his Sats are very generous indeed.
i think your right about that. someone on another site showed pics of his prayer tower and it had huge colas. it just doesn't sound like the type of high people like in my area. don't expect those deadly g hybrids to yield at all. the tranquil i grew yielded like shit. potent weed though
I don't know tree king, I find having a selection for my small clientele has surprised me with regards to people's tastes. I'm glad I stopped doing the og phase nonsense (not that I don't love an og, but I'm kinda burnt out on the subpar beans I've bought of og bases s1 and clones I've seen/smoked being passed around in my area). Still have people harassing me for the freebie WOS afghan I grew. Surprised really as I did love it but was a tad one dimensional. Sunshine daydream is bought out before it's ready. Blueberry hill is very much loved as is Goji. Suprising Superstitious has been mostly unloved in comparison. I cater to myself first and foremost. The market is pretty open here and options a plenty. People could always go elsewhere but they seem to come back to me regularly.
I don't know tree king, I find having a selection for my small clientele has surprised me with regards to people's tastes. I'm glad I stopped doing the og phase nonsense (not that I don't love an og, but I'm kinda burnt out on the subpar beans I've bought of og bases s1 and clones I've seen/smoked being passed around in my area). Still have people harassing me for the freebie WOS afghan I grew. Surprised really as I did love it but was a tad one dimensional. Sunshine daydream is bought out before it's ready. Blueberry hill is very much loved as is Goji. Suprising Superstitious has been mostly unloved in comparison. I cater to myself first and foremost. The market is pretty open here and options a plenty. People could always go elsewhere but they seem to come back to me regularly.
I'm on the east coast and the problem is people have a max the'l spend no matter how good it is. I'm dumping pounds of top quality shit off for 35. even if i did have something extra extra special and could sell it for 4 the math wouldn't make sense if its a small yielding strain. if i get 2 pounds per light of atf vs 1.5 of what you consider elite weed then il still make more off the atf got me?

i miss the days where you could dump off p's for 6400. those days are long gone. california is fuckin up the whole market with bomb greenhouse flooding the streets goin in the 2's. plus legalization isn't makin it any easier
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Well growing is my hobby/personal enjoyment, not my livelihood. With regards to that, I'm pro legalization and desire regulated markets (even though I am not technically participating in its current form), and the ability for people to grow their own, which is my only real concern towards legalization. I don't want to see people's rights to grow disappear unless they pay ridiculous fees or restricted to business only. Not to piss on your livelihood, but I'm a fan of adapt or die, hence why I think it was extremely self serving and short sightedness of California a while back when growers were against legalization. Sadly I wouldn't be able to afford your product at that price and would have been served elsewhere.
Basically prices for excellent ganja will be lowered, and if you are a good grower, you should still get a good fair price for your product. Yes the margins have been decreased, but that's to be expected as a previous black market good becomes legitimate. Besides now more than ever, a good product will sell itself, at a better price than the over saturation of fair goods. Edited to add: surely you know what a lb costs to grow and it's no where near the price you are selling it at. Many businesses would kill for that profit margin
il never be able to do that in mass. theres restrictions on a lot of stuff you can do here because they want to protect the people. i could be giving the places weed laced with coke you know what saying. if it becomes legal here there gonna do it in a way small time growers can't profit. thats a good thing and a bad thing cause we're less likely to legalize fully like colorado. right now i think only like 4-5 despenseries are allowed to exist and there very strict on how they operate plus there for medical only. this aint the wild west
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I can easily seeing operating in the form of a boutique, illegally or legally being the route for growers who aren't "approved" for the whole vertical integration business markets. For one, some one can offer higher quality than the legal outlets, and second the more important, one is able to provide a better product at a lesser cost. Take here in Michigan. The rip off "compassion" dispensaries can sell a so so ounce for over $300-400. Simply stupid pricing. I can easily sell just as good and in many cases better (despite my small setup) for $200-250 an ounce. Just an example, surely other forces are at play in this market as well as others.
I can easily seeing operating in the form of a boutique, illegally or legally being the route for growers who aren't "approved" for the whole vertical integration business markets. For one, some one can offer higher quality than the legal outlets, and second the more important, one is able to provide a better product at a lesser cost. Take here in Michigan. The rip off "compassion" dispensaries can sell a so so ounce for over $300-400. Simply stupid pricing. I can easily sell just as good and in many cases better (despite my small setup) for $200-250 an ounce. Just an example, surely other forces are at play in this market as well as others.
you obviously aren't familiar with my state. theres like 5 strip clubs in the entire boston area. you think there gonna let people open up strip clubs on every corner here lol they don't want that shit. it will be the same thing with weed spots if it goes legal. it'l be very hard to participate here. i think right now you need like $500,000 plus have political connections to open a spot for medical. you would understand if you lived here. just trying to make the most i can in the next 5 years then I'm done
You've been underground this long, certainly you can find a way to have a consistent clientèle. Where there is a will, there is a way and in the market place you adapt or die. Eta not that I recommend breaking the law or anything but there are other markets one could think about where prohibition will last longer than other states.
I made the mistake of sharing my Bodhi stash...blow job offers...really? They don't call it green crack for nothing.

I just chopped my heffer BO. No cuttings, and she's an absolute keeper. I'm going to reveg and don't know if I should just keep her in the pot until new growth...or transplant her bonsai style with fresh compost while going to 20/4....
I've noticed that larger pots certainly help. Last Goji run with a 5 gallon was very generous compared to when I ran her in 3 gallon. Those 2 extra gallons changed 1.75 ounces to just above 3.
Something may be off. I vegged 2 weeks, flowered in 3 gallon and got 2.5 per plant.
I don't think you want to,be mentioning high production numbers nor illegal financial activity on a public forum fellas. When dancing with the devil try to not step on his tail...