bodhi seeds

I just got home after my trip got extended to a month, a long time to be away. Things did not do well with my neighbor in charge. Dang.

Only 2 More Cowbells left from my photo period experiment. They had a tough time, I did not expect extensive bud worm damage this late in the season, but it is December & I have 2 More Cowbells still going outdoors in Cali. Cool. They are yellowed but smell absolutely amazing, next year I will try experiment again & keep a closer eye on things. Experiments are fun. Next I want to try flowering outdoors aiming for a March harvest.

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Only overseas breeder I will use, since 2012 I've had one package not make it and he re shipped no questions ask. I've used the Bacto, good stuff, but I went to the Coots / Gas simplified LOS soil mix and earthworms are my source of Myco / Bacs, they're cheap! Sannie's is more than a seed bank, it's Sannie and a collection of breeders that really work the strains listed for sale. If you have any questions regarding feel free to PM me, don't want to talk to much about other breeder's on a Bodhi thread. I will say that his Silverfields is still my favorite all time smoke and Sugar Punch is the one of the worlds best fem strain, very stable, it and RP's Skywalker Og ( hoping Sky Lotus will take it's place in reg seed) are the only Fem's I will run. Seriously PM me with any questions, I'm familiar with all the breeder's there and ran most everything in shop.
Thanks a lot for the info, very interesting. I'll definitely PM you for more info at some point before I order in a week or so. Nice to have some great breeders like Sannie and Bodhi to buy from who really care about the end result more than the money!
Cheers man!!


DragonsbloodF4 x OMG Testers

Flower time: Whoo, I was not quite prepared for this, these both went 103 days, and probably could have been okay with a few days longer, although they were ready at 15 weeks. Around week 4, I didn’t think this plant was going to be worth much of anything, because of how it looked, and being used to growing shorter flowering strains. However, I was mistaken, by the time it was finishing up around week 12-14, it really started to show how impressive It would be. I just needed to wait a little longer for a strain with this long of a flowering time.

Stretch: The two females I had in flower both doubled in size during flower, possibly double.5. It really wasn’t unreasonable for a plant that grew for this long. I’d imagine grown outdoors it would grow pretty big.

Issues (stress): No herming or stress to note with either of the two females I had in flower. They were fed average to heavy feedings of Mega crop and showed no signs of stress, took to it just fine. Transplanted and took between different tents and light intensities just fine. No issues with pests, mold, or major deficiencies.

Plant size: Both were big girls, with the largest cola’s I have seen in my tent, good leaf to bud ratio. The plants was always pretty big during flower. While not very mature looking, at week 5 it was as big as everything else that finished at week 9/10. One plant I topped once and once I gave severe LST to, tied it down in almost a circle, because in part of its life it was outgrowing the tent it was in. I think that the topped one did a little better, each of the 4 cola’s grew massive, consistent sized bud, and was easy to maintain with 4 stakes. The non-topped one did just fine, but was a little messier and ugly looking.

Yield: Yield was good, I got 6 full quart mason jars from each plant. The buds were very light and fluffy, sativa looking buds. What filled each of those 12 jars is well worth it. Trich covered, resinous, sticky, stinky pale green buds.

Aroma: Grapefruit, Grapefruit, and more Grapefruit! Sweet bitter citrus, if I had to find something behind it, it would be grapefruit and lime. A week or so into cure, one plant is retaining pure grapefruit/.lime smell, and one is more of a grapefruit with some skunky notes coming out. It is REALLY pleasant, definitely on my wife and I’s top Aroma/flavor list for sure. Top 3 of all time.

Flavor: Just like the Aroma, grapefruits with a bit of candy lime to it. It has a very clear, distinct flavor to it. You could tell somebody with minimal experience to try and find those notes in it, and it would be very easy for them to do so. It lingers in the mouth too which is really nice. Both plants share the same taste, grapefruity and I cannot distinguish much of a difference between the two in the flavor dept.

Effect: This is a really wonderful smoke, through and through. Starting from a very flavorful smoke the second it hits your mouth and lungs, you can feel a nice stoneyness in the back of your face and eyes. Nothing overwhelming, but certainly enough to know that you are high. But where it really shined through for me was its ability to put me at ease in public. Normally I do not like talking to people or going out of the house much, but when I went to the hardware store yesterday after a couple small bong hits, I was at ease chatting with the worker about a project I needed some parts for, and didn’t feel any normal fears or anxieties I do when I leave the house. It was also just a general happiness increaser. On par with the flavor, this is a really wonderful smoke for its effects. No couchlock noted, am able to smoke a fair amount and still be active in my daily activities.

Bag appeal: This bud looks pretty good, but it is NOT what the flavor of the month buds are looking like, rock hard and void of any foliage. Very loose and airy, light fluffy sativa structure buds. All very big for the most part, but do not weigh a lot. Trichomes ALL over, sugar leaves completely coated and worth keeping on a lot of the nugs. So if you’re looking for the lastest trend in bud, this is not for you, but if you know what you are looking at, it is pretty nice.

Overall impression: This one really threw me for a loop. I had no idea what to expect after week 3 in flower. It kept growing and growing, but so did the buds it produced. It wasn’t maturing at all, just…growing. I’m glad I didn’t pass a final judgment so soon. I chopped them at day 103, and they honestly could of probably gone a few more days. I just had to get on with life. I think that if this plant was grown outdoors in a climate that can really go the distance, this plant would be amazing. I really would like to see what some outdoor testers could do with this plant. This is a really good plant, and I am more than happy with the final product. Good all day smoke, bountiful, easy to grow, but the only problem was how long it went, at least for somebody who wasn’t quite expecting it, although that is my fault.

Keeper?: Personally, I would run this again if I could. I think that outdoors it would be even better. I saw some major potential in this line.Of the 9 seeds I popped (one got dropped and lost during planting), and I culled 2 that were looking gangly and stunted early on, so out of 7 that made it to flower, 2 were female. However, they were both very similar in flower time, structure, flavor, everything for the most part. So if this is a common phenotype to be found, I think people will be happy, as long as they are aware as to what they are getting into.





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Sometimes I end up with a spare corner in my tent and no properly vegged girls ready to go, so I run 9 clones in Solo cups. I stuff them in a large-size Rubbermaid dish washing tub, stick 'em in the spare corner, and leave 'em unlabeled. I pack it up in one jar and call it "house pot." It's great for guests, but also when I can't make up my damn mind! haha
would you consider cutting a clone, and putting that in soil in a solo? maybe this should be a clone clip solo contest? Maybe not so much contest as a solo cup showcase?
No. Had a slight issue with thrips (cleared that up) but no pests since making the switch and will not allow any coco/soil or even hydrogen in the room...every bag of dirt you buy, comes with free shit (aka bugs)....back in the day, I would run a lot of beans in solos, would average 3-10 grams each and be stoked though!
If you don’t find anything super stinky in the monkey I’d say pop the rest of the pack. They are in there trust me. My keeper monkey smells really sweet lavender berry almost a little grapey it’s a very seductive scent in early flower then changes to a fermented chem funk by the time you chop her and cure her. But the lavender and berry notes are more on the back end after cure. Taste and high are awesome too.
That one was from a full pack i popped. Only got 4 females, of those only 2 were solid and the other 2 hermied out early in flower. The other one I kept around has a better nose but the structure isnt nearly as good as this one. Im sure if i ran another pack or 2 i could get a more terpy pheno but have too many other seeds to run! Guava wookie and granola funk being popped right now!