...all of my bodhi strains have had at least one pheno that matched the description rather well. The lemon thai crosses are lemony, the bubba crosses have been bubba in taste. I missed out on the blueberry hill promo, but Blue Lotus is without a doubt the single most blueberry smelling and tasting plant I've grown from seed. Snow Lotus has always had less of an influence on flavor and smell than the appy, which is a fairly dominant male in a lot of ways. Goji and Love Triangle both had phenos with OG flavor characteristics that popped up. Not every girl from every bodhi pack is going to be a keeper, but I've certainly never had one that disappointed the people who ended up smoking it. Flavor and smell are particularly hard things to guarantee in f1 seeds, but every pack from bodhi I've run has had at least one female with the advertised flavor profile.
@TonightYou that lemon aroma is from the Satori mom, it is very different from any of the west coast lemon strains, and I would imagine the superstitious gets its lemon taste from the trainwreck cutting used in Stevie Wonder.