Wow. Don't get so mad fella. I've been growing for around 17 years. Sorry if you have more experience.
I simply said that nug doesn't look up to the quality of other SSDD pics I've seen. Why does that hurt your booty so much? The persons nug it was didn't even get offended (i also said no offense...Just wondering if he ran into any problems)
I've toked weed that looked like SHIT but got me RIPPED.
Many chem varieties look like they have very little trich coverage but are amazingly potent.
Guess you missed my point. Whatever. I'm high as angel pussy
Sounds like you could use a toke brotha.
I did miss your point, what was it?
I'm not butthurt + I have been growing over 20 years in Cali.
"Many chem varieties look like they have very little trich coverage but are amazingly potent."
SSDD has chem in its there's your answer bud.
Your the one who needs to smoke with your bad attitude.
You said it looked like shwag, a big difference from "that nug doesn't look up to the quality of other SSDD". As if every SSDD is going to look the same.