bodhi seeds

You don't sound 43. If you lie about'd use stolen pics, right? I mean.....who the fkkk says 'hot piece of trim' except a virgin?

Wow. Would never even think about doing that. Was that pic of yours stolen?! You should find better pics to steal if thats what you do!:o

and "hot piece of trim" was obviously intended to be humorous.

I have a nice young asian woman coming over. Better?
Look back... I made a simple observation that didn't even offend the guy whos PIC it was

Brand new dickheads on RollItUp bother me even less than the old dickheads on rollitup.....bro.
I'm not offended by any means... And there is a difference between being blunt and coming off as a dick.

I'm fairly blunt myself, I have no stakes in the arguement at hand I was simply offering advice. Take it or leave it that's your choice.

Got it... No issues with you man. Thanks for the input...Peace
Brand new dickheads on RollItUp bother me even less than the old dickheads on rollitup.....bro.

Sorry I didn't like your nug bro bro. I said I'm sure it was wonderful and the amigos around your area not knowing any better probably really like it.

Don't worry. Be happy!
Yes the other picture does have the flash on, but the difference is you took your pictures from about six inches away his pic was taken from about two feet away. It makes a huge difference in the way the light reflects off the trichs. Trust me there is less of a difference in frostiness than you think.

You're late to the party. We're at full capacity. :peace: a gut over here...

why post a pic of nug,if people are not to give a comment on it?
or is your friends the only ones who can keep telling you you nug looks fire? some dirt,or anything.
Lol what good would that do...If i were going to post anything it would be bud.

I will be posting pictures, but not until I break away from the partners.
November I'll be able to post all the pics I want.

Just waiting to wrap up the outdoor harvest + get my partners plants out of my indoor setup.
I told them earlier this year> This will be the final year I grow your meds for you.
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LOL.....I can post pics of her too.....Sorry you can't get chicks to come over. I have a GIRL coming over! So hard to believe.......You must be one of those fat unemployed dirty loser stoners. Someday MAYBE you can get a girl to come over! This was between kindnug and I.....

You are a non factor.

No son. He's a good dude.

Many of us spotted exactly what you were all about in about 3 posts. [ raises hand] Little dudes who make posts about getting a "GIRL', are simply little dudes.

Do you really have good pot? At least genuity would smoke some w/ you. Congratulations!
Yes the other picture does have the flash on, but the difference is you took your pictures from about six inches away his pic was taken from about two feet away.'s a no-name digital camera an amigo traded me for some schwag !

If it gets closer than a couple of feet, it looks less spectacular.:shock: a gut over here...

why post a pic of nug,if people are not to give a comment on it?
or is your friends the only ones who can keep telling you you nug looks fire? some dirt,or anything.

No son. He's a good dude.

Many of us spotted exactly what you were all about in about 3 posts. [ raises hand] Little dudes who make posts about getting a "GIRL', are simply little dudes.

Do you really have good pot? At least genuity would smoke some w/ you. Congratulations!

Look dude.... I apologized for laughing at your nug. I can see it's a sensitive topic for you.....

"That SSDD bud looks GREAT! Damn I wish I could smoke it! Nice grow!"

There. Feel better? Didn't mean to upset ya lil guy!


And yes. I have a girl coming over. I haven't fucked her yet and would really like to. I'm sorry if that's so far removed from your reality.

And I don't have the best pot....BY FAR. I made a simple observation about yours. Sorry to offend chief.
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Pictures don't mean much really, but I will be posting them when the time comes.
You can read peoples personality by the way they address people.
And yes. I have a girl coming over. I haven't fucked her yet and would really like to. I'm sorry if that's so far removed from your reality.


You know my reality - girl/trim-wise, just like you know Adrosmokin's - and his physique.

Which means - not at all.

Your technique of 'debate' has been displayed since the earliest days of AOL.
You know my reality - girl/trim-wise, just like you know Adrosmokin's - and his physique.

Which means - not at all.

Your technique of 'debate' has been displayed since the earliest days of AOL.

Sounds like you know ALL about his physique! Woo woo!

Here come the fun boyzzzzzzzzzz:P