Well-Known Member
Sorry I am hijacking the forum 

This here are
3 Ancient Og x Blood Orange in the back and the front 3 are Ancient Og x Satsuma..
I fully intend to cross these two treasure lines to each other. I imagine it will be some orangey musky earthy funk. I will be looking for that orange smell and flavor for sure. I am confident I will find it because my Blood Orange Mommy smelled like orange diesel and pretty much tasted the same.
Can any one tell me why I am getting some retarded growth?? is that a deficiency or too much something.... Any thoughts would be mucho gracias

This here are

I fully intend to cross these two treasure lines to each other. I imagine it will be some orangey musky earthy funk. I will be looking for that orange smell and flavor for sure. I am confident I will find it because my Blood Orange Mommy smelled like orange diesel and pretty much tasted the same.
Can any one tell me why I am getting some retarded growth?? is that a deficiency or too much something.... Any thoughts would be mucho gracias