Mad Hamish
Well-Known Member
I also believe when it comes to smoke quality, genetics make 98 percent of the difference and method the rest. But organic is the bomb for plant health IMHO. Especially when using LOS, there are just zero problems. Plant feeds itself by controlling the microbial life via root secretions and in so doing ends up being perfectly fed all the way through. This bud right here was fed only pure water from the day the seed was planted:I agree with you on the kiss method. Sometimes we over love our plants, to our own detriment.
Gotta disagree with you in chemicals, not to start a flame, as they can safely and easily be applied. Don't get me wrong, I'd grow organic if i could but having seen side by side plants of organic/chem, I noticed no discernible difference in smoke or quality.

Only pure water versus a shelf full of nutes and additives? RIGHT ON! Hydro can take a hike in my books now. My last ebb and flow tables are cleaned and in storage. I almost felt like burning them and pissing on the ashes. I've got countless bottles with leftover stuff, looking at it all I can't believe that I once upon a time required all of that stuff. And I've only been off all bottles for 8 weeks since the last coco plants were done.
Uncle Ben makes zero sense with the insinuation that plants need to be green right till the end. What we do when curing is to break down all that nasty chlorophyll. It's not only the stuff that makes a plant green, but also the stuff that makes a bud taste green. I like a nice healthy fade in the last 2 or 3 weeks. Early fade is a problem, KINDA, in the sense that it looks bad. But I'd rather toke a faded bud than a green one. I'd rather take Sub's word over UB's any day. And that's not just because Sub said it, it is an observation I have made for myself over many years of outdoor grows. The ones that fade just right are the most flavourful, always.