hey man that ac/dcXa11g is clocking in 20-1 cbd - thc

great cuts to be found ..
The following is just to help save money by deciding which plants to have tested, instead of having to test every plant and paying 50 bucks or so each plant...you can use the following method to figure out which ones need to be lab tested. This method is also very good for people who do not have access to lab testing.
This method gets tweeked here and there over time....currently working on tweeking it to pre test male plants.
Pheno seedz' CBD test method
1.5 ml micro centrifuge vial (snap top)
0.08 gram lye
Tiny roach sized "pinch" of plant material.
1ml of 50% iso rubbing alcohol (although 70% can be used)
1 tiny Carbon pellet (sold at pet stores in fish dept)
Do the following in this exact order.
Add 0.08 grams of lye to vial, add plant material, add carbon pellet (on top of plant material to get better visability of color change), add rubbing alcohol as close to top of vial as possible (about 1ml). Close vial securely and shake for 60 seconds (making sure lye is not stuck to bottom..give few light taps if lye is stuck), wait 10 minutes and shake another 60 seconds, after 10 more minutes the color reaction should be ready.
Green = 0%
Yellow = 0-3%
Orange = 3-5%
Maroon with slight purple = 5-8%
Light purple = 8-12%
LYE safety should be researched and understood before trying the testing.
DO NOT add over 0.08 gram lye as the more you add then the hotter the chemical reaction will be and you can get burned, 0.08 is the most sensitive amount for percent testing (under 0.08 and you may not get any color reaction)....I burned my finger when I tried 1.5 gram of lye.
You should try to use dense samples over fluffy samples (fluffy samples do not react as good).
You should perform the test 3 times to each plant...using the highest percent as final result. Taking a pinch from different buds or different areas of a bud.
Wash hands often and make sure to wash work area after, cover work area in paper towels or paper in order to better clean up after.
Purple Nitrile gloves are better suited than latex gloves when dealing with lye.
As extra pre caution you can wrap toilet paper or something around the vial during the shaking process.
Drain cleaners can not be used instead of actual lye (drain cleaners add dye to the lye).
from my breedbazy thread posted by cbdseeker