bodhi seeds

hey man that ac/dcXa11g is clocking in 20-1 cbd - thc :) great cuts to be found ..
The following is just to help save money by deciding which plants to have tested, instead of having to test every plant and paying 50 bucks or so each can use the following method to figure out which ones need to be lab tested. This method is also very good for people who do not have access to lab testing.

This method gets tweeked here and there over time....currently working on tweeking it to pre test male plants.


Pheno seedz' CBD test method


1.5 ml micro centrifuge vial (snap top)
0.08 gram lye
Tiny roach sized "pinch" of plant material.
1ml of 50% iso rubbing alcohol (although 70% can be used)
1 tiny Carbon pellet (sold at pet stores in fish dept)


Do the following in this exact order.

Add 0.08 grams of lye to vial, add plant material, add carbon pellet (on top of plant material to get better visability of color change), add rubbing alcohol as close to top of vial as possible (about 1ml). Close vial securely and shake for 60 seconds (making sure lye is not stuck to bottom..give few light taps if lye is stuck), wait 10 minutes and shake another 60 seconds, after 10 more minutes the color reaction should be ready.

Green = 0%
Yellow = 0-3%
Orange = 3-5%
Maroon with slight purple = 5-8%
Light purple = 8-12%


LYE safety should be researched and understood before trying the testing.

DO NOT add over 0.08 gram lye as the more you add then the hotter the chemical reaction will be and you can get burned, 0.08 is the most sensitive amount for percent testing (under 0.08 and you may not get any color reaction)....I burned my finger when I tried 1.5 gram of lye.

You should try to use dense samples over fluffy samples (fluffy samples do not react as good).

You should perform the test 3 times to each plant...using the highest percent as final result. Taking a pinch from different buds or different areas of a bud.

Wash hands often and make sure to wash work area after, cover work area in paper towels or paper in order to better clean up after.

Purple Nitrile gloves are better suited than latex gloves when dealing with lye.

As extra pre caution you can wrap toilet paper or something around the vial during the shaking process.

Drain cleaners can not be used instead of actual lye (drain cleaners add dye to the lye).

from my breedbazy thread posted by cbdseeker
Thanks for the share!
Bodhi gives away so much fire I have to laugh. It makes me feel extremely blessed, what a wonderful man. Here's my bodhi stash and it grows all the time. The back row is all of freebies and there are multiple packs in some of them! He's given me just as many free seeds as i've paid for! And the free shit is fire!!!
hey man that ac/dcXa11g is clocking in 20-1 cbd - thc :) great cuts to be found ..
The following is just to help save money by deciding which plants to have tested, instead of having to test every plant and paying 50 bucks or so each can use the following method to figure out which ones need to be lab tested. This method is also very good for people who do not have access to lab testing.

This method gets tweeked here and there over time....currently working on tweeking it to pre test male plants.


Pheno seedz' CBD test method


1.5 ml micro centrifuge vial (snap top)
0.08 gram lye
Tiny roach sized "pinch" of plant material.
1ml of 50% iso rubbing alcohol (although 70% can be used)
1 tiny Carbon pellet (sold at pet stores in fish dept)


Do the following in this exact order.

Add 0.08 grams of lye to vial, add plant material, add carbon pellet (on top of plant material to get better visability of color change), add rubbing alcohol as close to top of vial as possible (about 1ml). Close vial securely and shake for 60 seconds (making sure lye is not stuck to bottom..give few light taps if lye is stuck), wait 10 minutes and shake another 60 seconds, after 10 more minutes the color reaction should be ready.

Green = 0%
Yellow = 0-3%
Orange = 3-5%
Maroon with slight purple = 5-8%
Light purple = 8-12%


LYE safety should be researched and understood before trying the testing.

DO NOT add over 0.08 gram lye as the more you add then the hotter the chemical reaction will be and you can get burned, 0.08 is the most sensitive amount for percent testing (under 0.08 and you may not get any color reaction)....I burned my finger when I tried 1.5 gram of lye.

You should try to use dense samples over fluffy samples (fluffy samples do not react as good).

You should perform the test 3 times to each plant...using the highest percent as final result. Taking a pinch from different buds or different areas of a bud.

Wash hands often and make sure to wash work area after, cover work area in paper towels or paper in order to better clean up after.

Purple Nitrile gloves are better suited than latex gloves when dealing with lye.

As extra pre caution you can wrap toilet paper or something around the vial during the shaking process.

Drain cleaners can not be used instead of actual lye (drain cleaners add dye to the lye).

from my breedbazy thread posted by cbdseeker
Great info thank you!!
Thought that I'd post the email I got this AM from Great Lake Genetics...

Hello from Great Lakes Genetics *** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***

BOBHI Seeds has asked me to make this announcement in regards to the Hybrid Freebie “Purple Urkel x Snow Lotus”. Although it has been tested, it was recently brought to our attention that it may show some hermi traits under LED lighting. So we are advising this strain be grown Out Doors or indoors with caution!!!!!!!

If you have a order pending and would like to change your Freebie pick please send me a message from the message board on your order.

If you have already received a pack of these, you can send them back and I will give you a replacement pack.

BODHI Seeds and Greatlakes Genetics are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your satisfaction is very important to us.

Thank you for understanding.

BODHI Seeds and Greatlakes Genetics


There will also be some new Bodhi strains dropping the first week in March, please don’t email us about the actual drop date. There will be a news letter sent out when they arrive. There will a restock of existing gear, along with these new strains.

Boysenberry Hashplant (goji f3 boysenberry x 88g13hp)

Chem Kesey (skunk va x 88g13hp)

Quava Hashplant (stardawg guava x 88g13hp)

Sweet Skunk x 88g13hp (limited)

Matahari (afkansastan x snow lotus)

Secret Chief (sfv og x 88g13/hp)

Purple Wookie (purple unicorn f2 x wookie 15)

Thanks Dragboatjeffy and Greatlakes Genetics


So, a couple of questions...

1. Has anyone ever seen a link between LED growing and hermaphrodism before?
2. In another thread (in LED lighting section) it was commented,

very lame .... trying to blame an led light for junk genetics

which does seem like a logical conclusion... but I thought that Bodhi has a good rep!
Not looking to troll here, just trying to figure out what went down...
It's hard to say what went down without reading the tester report. For that matter this may even be based off a single incidence. I don't want to cast dispersions at anyone but its possible the tester stressed them or had some sort of environmental issue. If I'm not mistaken the Purple Urkle is known to be a bit delicate. Personally I would rather have a breeder put out a word of caution than try to cover it up. Seems to me cookie crosses herm all the time and yet there's never a disclaimer when you buy a pack.
Thought that I'd post the email I got this AM from Great Lake Genetics...

So, a couple of questions...

1. Has anyone ever seen a link between LED growing and hermaphrodism before?
2. In another thread (in LED lighting section) it was commented,

which does seem like a logical conclusion... but I thought that Bodhi has a good rep!
Not looking to troll here, just trying to figure out what went down...

not sure what else you are looking for ?

hermi behavior in a strain is inherited, its in the genetics. Under various environmental conditions a plant which has hermi tendencies in its genome may or may not sprout flowers of the opposite sex. While its possible that various marginal lighting may trigger the display of hermi traits, its not the fault of the light its in the genes.

Its the fault of the breeder to propagate hermi traits AND give it to people even though they know it should be trashed.

As far as Bhodi rep goes, they apparently feel that the strain despite hermi tendencies is GOOD enough for their customers. Just because its a freebie isn't an excuse.
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Thought that I'd post the email I got this AM from Great Lake Genetics...

Hello from Great Lakes Genetics *** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***

BOBHI Seeds has asked me to make this announcement in regards to the Hybrid Freebie “Purple Urkel x Snow Lotus”. Although it has been tested, it was recently brought to our attention that it may show some hermi traits under LED lighting. So we are advising this strain be grown Out Doors or indoors with caution!!!!!!!

If you have a order pending and would like to change your Freebie pick please send me a message from the message board on your order.

If you have already received a pack of these, you can send them back and I will give you a replacement pack.

BODHI Seeds and Greatlakes Genetics are very sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your satisfaction is very important to us.

Thank you for understanding.

BODHI Seeds and Greatlakes Genetics


There will also be some new Bodhi strains dropping the first week in March, please don’t email us about the actual drop date. There will be a news letter sent out when they arrive. There will a restock of existing gear, along with these new strains.

Boysenberry Hashplant (goji f3 boysenberry x 88g13hp)

Chem Kesey (skunk va x 88g13hp)

Quava Hashplant (stardawg guava x 88g13hp)

Sweet Skunk x 88g13hp (limited)

Matahari (afkansastan x snow lotus)

Secret Chief (sfv og x 88g13/hp)

Purple Wookie (purple unicorn f2 x wookie 15)

Thanks Dragboatjeffy and Greatlakes Genetics


So, a couple of questions...

1. Has anyone ever seen a link between LED growing and hermaphrodism before?
2. In another thread (in LED lighting section) it was commented,

which does seem like a logical conclusion... but I thought that Bodhi has a good rep!
Not looking to troll here, just trying to figure out what went down...

Okay, heres y hermies may occur in some strains.
Some strains, like ssdd or gsc, are often known as light sensitive. The leds today have directed like to eliminate a reflector, which can cause.some.pretty intense light.

Like my ssdd, if u put her under the led in the center, get readyfor herm town (3-8 nanners) I believe all at sterile though. But this is y they r freebies.

ITS NOT CRAP GENETICS. At all. They r freebies because these crosses.were considered less likely to produce the quality strain that othwr crosses may have already proven to produce.

This strain, urkle lotus, is likely light sensitive and prolly contains an elite pheno. But u may need two packs and B doesnt feel right charging for that...Also, u gotta let it go for those experiment and love urkle or watever.

Now ur deal email abt GLG all i can say is ...,tale my money
ITS NOT CRAP GENETICS. At all. They r freebies because these crosses.were considered less likely to produce the quality strain that othwr crosses may have already proven to produce.

strains that regularly hermi under slightly suboptimal conditions are JUNK.

This isn't a matter of a nanner or two late in flower, I'm talking about intersex tendencies to produce full male flowers as well as female flowers on the same plant.

So your happy to get throwaway genetics. good for you.
And ill say it right now 4 of my blueberry snow FREEBIES hermed. And u kno wat i didnt give a shit. Cuz i got money, weed, and needs are met. And i understand shit happens and blueberry has that tendency i was warned.

Mayb u need some pussy dude.

I tested blueberry snow... 4/10 females 0 herm 2 keepers
Geisel x appy(Wolf Pack) were all killer 8/12 females

Pics are on ig/stax, but report is only on stax.
Wish I didn't get warnings for this site or I'd post here 2.
I tested blueberry snow... 4/10 females 0 herm 2 keepers
Geisel x appy(Wolf Pack) were all killer 8/12 females

Pics are on ig/stax, but report is only on stax.
Wish I didn't get warnings for this site or I'd post here 2.

Awsome bro. See some of the freebies go great for some people and dont hermie. Didnt get at lucky myself. But i got 6-7 female all killer. On the FREE UNRELEASED. ssdd x wookie testers
I tested blueberry snow... 4/10 females 0 herm 2 keepers
Geisel x appy(Wolf Pack) were all killer 8/12 females

Pics are on ig/stax, but report is only on stax.
Wish I didn't get warnings for this site or I'd post here 2.

Pm me ur instagram so i can check those at. I missed that wolf pack. Kinda bummed. But got some Kalifornia instead kinda amd hoping to see these kromes white x wookie soon.
lol newbies. worried about a ballsack or banana pollinating THE WHOLE ROOM ZOMG!


I don't think the guy ever chucked any pollen before nor knows how it works. A couple nanners or ballsacks would not POLLINATE YOUR WHOLE ROOM! OMG SENSIMILLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (you gotta picture him running around frantically yelling sensimilla while pulling his hair lol)
not sure what else you are looking for ?

hermi behavior in a strain is inherited, its in the genetics. Under various environmental conditions a plant which has hermi tendencies in its genome may or may not sprout flowers of the opposite sex. While its possible that various marginal lighting may trigger the display of hermi traits, its not the fault of the light its in the genes.

Its the fault of the breeder to propagate hermi traits AND give it to people even though they know it should be trashed.

As far as Bhodi rep goes, they apparently feel that the strain despite hermi tendencies is GOOD enough for their customers. Just because its a freebie isn't an excuse. Personally I'd be embarrASSED.

I don't completely disagree with you. I wouldn't be too happy with a garden full of seeded up bud whether the pack was free or not. That's happened to me one time, and I'm very reluctant to ever try that breeder again.

I don't think bodhi has anything to be "embarASSED" over though. Shit happens, and it looks like he's doing his best to put the word out there so that nobody jacks their garden up. Integrity and honesty aren't things I ever question with Bodhi.

Maybe try a little more tact, and a little less smart ass and your message might be better received.