Going to be a fun week! Still waiting on a bunch of other shit... I dont have my grass roots 4x4 living soil bed, gro kashi, bio ag tm-7 (but the buildasoil big 6 version), cover crop seed etc.
But I do have a few babies going and have a couple cuts in quarantine to root and eliminate any possible pests etc. All in solo or 1 gallon smart pot for now and in Malibu potting soil with a hint of added neem cake. The soil is coco based with 25% Malibu compost and VERY minimum perlite. Seems like one of the best bagged soil I have come across. I'm not a fan of most.. only concern I had is putting it from a one gallon of that mix that's coco based into my peat mix but I think after a week should work itself out. The Malibu soil also drains very well for those who may care.
Im just going to build my soil in next 3 days or so and keep the little ones happy while I wait on my soil for 2 weeks. Waiting on cuts to root anyway (2 days in rapid rooter).
Had a fungus nat problem that got out of control for a few days and now I have not seen any but those damn things suck with babies. Had a few get a little funkey on me but new growth after trapping larve in soil with pumice for a mulch layer (tempoary) is looking good. When I get my cover crop seed more barley straw and seed getting thrown down. Starting a ipm as well just been a little lazy and need to get some oils from my mom lol. My luckey wookies seemed to fight the nats the best and are sailing right along in veg now