Well-Known Member
I mean, you either have faith in the community and each other's rep or you don't I guess
Its not that simple. I could point out several specific examples of what the community called "Stand Up Guys" who later went on to rip off and rob the community of thousands of dollars.
The Sin City rep.. manager.. whatever he used to call himself.. Kenny aka Strainhunter ripped me off blatantly as well as a couple of my friends before disappearing into the shadows. Any of the Sin City seeds I got from him weren't what he said they were. I ended up throwing a bunch of stuff away.. and he was their actual rep back then. He didn't just steal from Sin City.. he ripped off Bodhi too.. and another Breeder named Verified Genetics and a whole bunch of forum people.
He and so many were all one of the people everyone would say were great guys.. Stand Up Guys.. lol... this other thief.. named JB.. owner and admin of the forum called The Seed Depot (now not around).. he pulled off one of the biggest seed heists I've ever seen.. day after a drop his bitcoin value went down...he sold (consigned) hundreds of packs that week to waiting customers.. & vanished without a trace with everyone's money and seeds.. he then charged up several of his forum users credit cards thousands of dollars more. Back then it was more common for breeders to work on a consignment system.. he stole from 303 Seeds, Bodhi, Motarebel, Snowhigh.. everyone including the site users like me.
This JB guy had a great reputation.. but at the end of the day these are strangers dude. There is a somewhat decent community out there but don't go putting your blind faith into any internet stranger too much. Bad things can happen... not to mention all those posers and pure scam artists that run amuck like there.. there was one a couple weeks ago posing to be this well known seedbank operator out of Colorado named Slim who robbed several people over at Overgrow by posting screenshots of older rare packs and selling them to its members. He'd bait people with talks of a preservation run and mention the old packs he had in his collection.. stuff like this happens all the time on the internet. The community as a whole is decent but there's rats in every corner looking to steal your cheddar.
Strainly has great guys on it I'm sure but I wouldn't be spending hundreds of dollars based on a stranger saying that they promise not to steal. That's all I'm saying. If it isn't sealed then no deal. That's my motto when dealing with individuals who aren't seed banks.
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