Body fat % correlate with how long THC stays in your system?


I am wondering if body fat % has an affect on how long THC will remain in your system. I mean, obviously it should be directly affected considering THC stores in fat cells. Just looking for a little confirmation.
I have seen countless pages of people saying that THC will stay in your system for 30-90 days (for a heavy smoker like myself, smoking daily for a few years).
I have a fairly low body fat, around 10-15%, 6"1', 130lb so i was hoping that if i did all the right things (drink alot of water/greentea, and take a detoxs drink) I would be in the lower end of the 30-90 days for being clean of THC.
Are there any testimonies of people that have been in my same situation?


Well-Known Member
I thought it all had to do with metabolism... years ago I took a drug test the day after smoking, passed it.

Yay for weighing nothing! :clap:

Typically 1week for me to be clean


Well-Known Member
i'm saturated with tch. i should buy a home test to see if it melts!

the heavier you are the longer it will linger in your system but there is no way to judge with certainty when you'd come up clean.