Bomb Berry Bomb


Well-Known Member
i just chopped one down saturday. im so fucking impressed with it i bought a ten pack last week. im high as fuck as i type this from tester bud. smells like blueberry diesel/fuel. taste isn't there yet as it has no cure. not as potent as thc bomb but so far it is a great all around high. once it cures it should greatly improve though. its easy to grow. is a light feeder. highly recommended from me.

mine didnt get THAT purple, its hot as balls around here, but some of the calyx's are purple. i could imagine it would look like the pic with cold, winter nights.

edit: 10 minutes later, i finish a small bowl and am stone to the bone! this shit is dank!


I had some of these, an easy grow not a big yeilder. The smoke is very smooth and a good stone.My buds had no purple in them just nice dence dark green. Personally I think the biggest problem you'll have is hiding the smell,damn it's sweet. I kept some pollen and put it over a w.widow just for a giggle and it seems to me that the sweetness is a dominant trate 9 out of the 10 kept the sweet scent


Active Member
Ive grown this out (30 plants) and have another on the go. it wont go amazingly purple unless llights out/nighttime temps go down to about 50f or below. It is actually a great yeilder, has 3 main phenotypes (berry/citrus sweetness is present in 2 of them, the other must be a mostly bomb pheno with a fuely/skunky smell). it is a light feeder, I've only got it up to about 1.3-1.4 EC and no more. Extremely fast growing, in hydro you could literally chop this after 6 weeks if you had to and you would have excellent smoke, best left to 7-8 weeks though. I dont find it very potent though, maybe thats just me, but I have grown more potent in the past from other strains.