bomb seeds (bubble, thc, big)


Well-Known Member
The pic makes it look like they grew more than they did. But they have done well since I dropped the light down.


Well-Known Member
So they actually have grown a lot this week. I threw them into my flower room like 3-5 days ago. Not 100% sure whether to attribute the growth to just being under a lot more light or maybe just the start of a big flower strecth (they.still haven't showed sex, as of today I'm see preflowers but.still too small

Maybe a little of both. But theyve about doubled in.size since i put them in there and.ussually i dont see a strecth for a few more days in.



Well-Known Member
Thc bomb #2 of 5 turned out to be a male. At least 3 of the other 4 are definitely females and there's one that still hasn't shown definite signs yet.
It seems to be a pretty stretchy strain, but they also look like they have potential to be tall bushy plants if I'd been able to give them more light when they were young. I'll probably run this male out in the swamp and harvest its pollen to give to a nice m.o.b.


Well-Known Member
So its been a couple weeks.. I think the thc bombs finally stopped stretching...these things want some space to flower...the 2 gallon pots looked dwarfed under the huge strecth. So I transplanted to 7 gallon pots on 3/4 thc bombs and I had already put one of them and the bubble bomb in 5 gallon smart pots.

I wish I had trained them as they stretched to closer to the lights because they didn't fill out very well. The bubble bomb on the other hand stayed very compact and has close bud sites.

