Bombs away! Lucy here I come...

I BBQ hot dog and Hamburgers for 4th of Juy ill timed mescaline trip. lol..for all the neighbors... that was weird
Right on! one hit is definitely an experience! You are right to take what you think you should take. But what else are friends for except to tell you to take more LSD? lol

Between you guys and the little voice in my head saying to take more....Now I just need to find more :p

Due to my talking about it all day long my girl really wants to trip tonight. I'm on the fence about the diminishing return... I've read that on a light dose there isnt very much loss 2 days in a row. I know that I shouldn't, but she has ways of being 'persuasive' lol.

Ill try to keep this pg13: Wow sex on the comedown is amazing!

I was thinking about being greedy and taking both hits of silver next time, but Im definitely gonna share with my girl. I have a feeling that Lucy really likes to join in and make it a three way :p

Anyways I feel spent (in more ways then one) but very content. no jagged ruff come down like a high dose of shrooms.

Final thoughts before I go to sleep: This very clean acid was a lot more subtle then I expected. Very gentle other then the peak, but it was so euphoric that its intensity didnt bother me. The visuals I got were more subtle and intricate then what I get from shrooms. Music was absolutely fantastic. If I had access to more I would definitely try a higher dosage. Being that its a real rarity where I live I'd be an ass if I didnt share with my gf. Maybe ill try to stay on santas good list lol

EDIT: POST #420!!! Ironically I was smoking a J while I typed it out

Dude try fucking on peak. My wife was describing our her first experience with acid to a friend of ours and said that we had an orgy. It was only two people but the only way to describe that much sex is an orgy!
I'm a big fan of sensation play so adding too it is pretty damned awesome!

I think we're going to be playing on the day after xmas. I'm thinking a lowish dose of MDMA mixed with either 2c-b or 4-HO-MiPT.
Well I had about an 8th of shrooms and she had a hit of silver. I'm saving the last one for a special occasion. Tonight was our 1 year dating anniversary, so we wanted to have a bonding experience.

We giggled compared what we were seeing and feeling for the past 5 hours or so. The most special moment for me was when she got lost in staring at the Christmas tree. She had that look of awe and wonder like a child. We got so absorbed in talking that we never got around to fooling around lol. We both agree that there's certainly something special in Lucy. I know better then to lose my respect for a drug and have it turn on me, but I really hope to try a higher dose one day.
Here is the deal, it is nice that you got wildly euphoric on your dose and that sort of trip has its place but the truth is that you can't really comprehend the unbridled power of this substance unless you find yourself more than a little bit frightened in the first three quarter to hour and a half mark. "shit! Maybe this time I ate too much" should cross your mind once or twice before you surrender. I think there are problems with today's micro doses. People seem to think of it is tame or subtle or even euphoric in its own right and miss the exhilaration and mind bending nature of the drug (after all, lsd is what spawned all those phrases, mind bending, blowing, warping..
). While those tiny doses might result in fewer overall visits to the ER, it relegates this awesome(in the most real meaning of that poor worn out word) substance and experience to being just one more toy.
last time I thought I took too much I realized 'ive said that before,and It wasn't too much.' then I took like to play the 'drinking contest' with lucy.usually I'm the winner..sometimes though I get lucky and she drinks me under the
Here is the deal, it is nice that you got wildly euphoric on your dose and that sort of trip has its place but the truth is that you can't really comprehend the unbridled power of this substance unless you find yourself more than a little bit frightened in the first three quarter to hour and a half mark. "shit! Maybe this time I ate too much" should cross your mind once or twice before you surrender. I think there are problems with today's micro doses. People seem to think of it is tame or subtle or even euphoric in its own right and miss the exhilaration and mind bending nature of the drug (after all, lsd is what spawned all those phrases, mind bending, blowing, warping..
). While those tiny doses might result in fewer overall visits to the ER, it relegates this awesome(in the most real meaning of that poor worn out word) substance and experience to being just one more toy.

I've had that moment with shrooms where I took too much and was convinced I poisoned myself and was dying. I had to face a lot of bad decisions that night....

I was very surprised that I didnt get higher then I was the other night, the same for my girl last night. I was waiting for it to take me to a world of madness, but
i only got a taste. For me a single hit is recreational. Puts you in a great mood and everything is enhanced. The only heavy visuals I had was when I tried to type on the peak and my backlit keyboard was shifting around.

Canndo, I'm fully aware that I havent had a 'real' LSD trip yet. What my girl and I had were just threshold doses. Enough to give you a taste of the magic, but not enough to humble you and put you in your place. It was still a wonderful experience for both of us.

I want to experience the kind of mind bending "am I ever coming back" trip your talking about, but I like to wade into the pool slowly. If I had more, I'd take 2-3 next time and see where it gets me.
My first trip I took two sonic buddys face and skin turned blue.I screamed bloody murder! He was like 'WHAT!?'..I screamed again 'YOU TURNED BLUE!! BUT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!!!'
I to this day don't know why he was supposed to turn blue.

Eat five and know you're alive,eat less than four and you're gonna wanna trip more.
Talking over your shoulder dude, to the others who figure they have managed to "tame" the substance or themselves.
I don't get it canndo..I like to get scared on acid..of course there are stonger doses to be had in the world,and one could crush someone..I've heard of 500ug hits being sold,I've had my personal wash up before and it was about 1000ug a drop(I didn't share this much with people,it caused freakouts)..eating 5 of those would be trouble..ill never tame lsd and I'm glad,but I love the challenge of a hefty dose..let's you know you're alive!!
I think being scared is what were talking about here,because the questioning of 'will I be ok' seems to imply fear..I rarely get the fear anymore..probably since I've been there and back so many times I just ride with it and the 'fear' becomes the normal part of the trip...
lol ya .... I agree. actually when I think of LSD I almost think of like a Halloween haunted house. Its a good scare, good laughs, lots of fun and no one actually gets murdered
You know I do get tired of the L floating around most of the time...I have a friend who still has not gotten visuals...last he tried was a 10 strip off the dark web and no visuals, no "I finally did it this time"....he was just mind high a lil bit....

First time for me was my first time at a Rainbow Gathering...some glossy eyed hippie kid walked up to me and said "you haven't said anything about acid do you wanna trip?" two drops to the tongue...about 30-45 min later everyones face was gone the stars where warping with the tips of the trees and the FIRE oh my god the fire....there wasn't any fighting it...there was no way....fear was almost non existent...the power of the trip took over....I just felt like I was on a nuclear train...riding the rails letting my true freak out....I have had some wonderful trips and a lot of the "fear" before...but this time was special...
You know I do get tired of the L floating around most of the time...I have a friend who still has not gotten visuals...last he tried was a 10 strip off the dark web and no visuals, no "I finally did it this time"....he was just mind high a lil bit....

Is he on any meds?
Its called the oooh wheee...take 3 hits and in 5 will be saying ''oooh WHEEE!!'..Its wild when you see colors across every object in a small amount of time..rainbow alliance!!