Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"


Well-Known Member
amazing results bro looks wonderful...any pics of the crh funky deformed cola?
Wowie, wow wow.

I can't wait to see the weight!
that was a nice fat cola
Thanks for all the comments guys :) I will be off the net for a few days but when I return I'll be doin some chopping and pic taking. I owe you a pick of my retarded CRH main cola. Its so freaking huge and deformed its almost fake looking. I know I am at the end because I am getting a last ditch growth spurt.

Cya on Sunday
:joint: ~Boneman

Hang tight....I'll go snap a pic of it now. Check back in ten mins


Well-Known Member
I used Gravity at 1/2 strength and I raised my lights as far as they would go (wasnt much). I fed it twice to the plants with just plain water. Plain water feed before and after.

Yup...all cut up :hump:
hells yeah, good to know half strength works so well!!!!!


Well-Known Member
As promised

This second pic I put the coke can at the point where the bud starts just to give you an idea how massive this is.

Waddua think?

Mr. Bitti

Well-Known Member
oh jesus Boneman that looks insane!!!! they dont looke like they have matured much? are you on 12/12? ever thought about 10/14 to help those girls finish up? i can almost never get myself to cut a mostly sativa cus they almost always keep flowering and flowering


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to keep the new pics current on this page :hump:
Thanks for all the comments and +rep

:joint: ~Boneman
:shock:Holy shit Boneman!!! This wasn't the grow I was following. I spent a long ass time reading and just couldn't help but finally skip to the harvest.
Oh my....won't you PLEASE be my neighbor? :hug:
Damn dude, your pictures had me salivating. I am now inspired to pop some new seeds.....and use the coco., truly art.
I'm off to go buy some gravity. Damn Bone....toss me a clone of those babies, will ya? LOL.....I'm bad.
You did clone those, yes? Also, question...I was trying to figure out your grow space flowering from pics. Looked like you had a really tight space, yet quite a few plants.
I want to start some plants in what "appears" to be the same size.
What were the dimensions?


Well-Known Member
oh jesus Boneman that looks insane!!!! they dont looke like they have matured much? are you on 12/12? ever thought about 10/14 to help those girls finish up? i can almost never get myself to cut a mostly sativa cus they almost always keep flowering and flowering
Yeah I see what your saying from the pic, but the trics (at that time) were telling me to flush. I stick with the 12/12 and have nothing but time :hump:

how long between the last feeding of gravity and the chop? three weeks? or longer?
Bottle says to feed them about 3 weeks before harvest

You should be a spokesperson for Coke N Bud.
Hrmmmm...that would be nice :hump:

The morning after is always a beeyatch :)

It looks like a cow's head with the nose pointing to the right.
You should name her "bessie."

that is a fucked main cola but props man that is insane
LOL Thanks....but I had nothing to do with her retard state

:shock:Holy shit Boneman!!! This wasn't the grow I was following. I spent a long ass time reading and just couldn't help but finally skip to the harvest.
Oh my....won't you PLEASE be my neighbor? :hug:
Damn dude, your pictures had me salivating. I am now inspired to pop some new seeds.....and use the coco., truly art.
I'm off to go buy some gravity. Damn Bone....toss me a clone of those babies, will ya? LOL.....I'm bad.
You did clone those, yes? Also, question...I was trying to figure out your grow space flowering from pics. Looked like you had a really tight space, yet quite a few plants.
I want to start some plants in what "appears" to be the same size.
What were the dimensions?
No clones this time around....My cab was slammed packed. 36"w, 18" deep 6' High

Sorry, I been out of town for a while. I'll be checking on the girls tonight and will probably be harvesting. They were very close before I left.