Bong cleaning


Well-Known Member
i was wondering if you can put a bong in the dishwasher to clean it? its glass so i imagine its ok right?


Well-Known Member
I might not do that your dishwasher might smell really bad after you are done and you would not want your dishes to smell like that. I would get a five gallon paint bucket fill it with hot water and soap then submerge the bong for a day and clean it all out afterwards.


Well-Known Member
or just buy some commercial cleaner like 420 it is awesome. but when i run out epson (prolly wrong spelling) salt and alcohol works.


Well-Known Member
dont buy commercial cleaner, its not worth it 99% iso alcohol with salt will clean even the dirtiest bong


Well-Known Member
the only problem with using epsom salt is that it eventually leaves tiny scratches on the inside of the bong. Those scratches then lead to it getting dirtier quicker. But when you buy commercial cleaners most of them use rounded silica so it doesn't scratch. So what I usually do is buy 1 420 cleaner a month, and like 2 bottles of rubbing alcohol 90% proof. Then I clean my piece with the 420 cleaner till it runs out and refill it with rubbing alcohol. You can usually refill it about 3 times before you run out of the little beads. And thats how i get around it, and I clean my pieces at least once a day.


Well-Known Member
Denture cleaner works well, too.

I just pull the stem and bowl out, put a cork in to plug the stem hole. Put all the parts inside. Fill the bong with warm water...all the way to the top. Drop in a couple of Efferdent tabs and wait. I usually let it sit an hour or two, sometimes overnight.

You will need to wipe off the rim with alcohol because a scum line will develop.

Pretty easy, no-brainer cleaning method.

Hope someone finds it useful.



Well-Known Member
i agree with the alcohol & salt ,, i just use 72% iso & regular salt ,, shake it up really good & rinse out ,,


Active Member
Vinegar is thee best cleaning solution. It works for everything and doesn't screw with the environment.
Use it with some other solution of you need to.
I have to clean a pipe so I will try and post how my vinegar and hot water soak works.


Active Member
I have stuck my bong in the dishwasher before and it worked very well and the dishes did not smell after that.
So if you're to lazy you can stick it in the dishwasher ^^


Well-Known Member
this is what every smoker should have to clean any piece. 420 Cleaner works like a charm. Literally just squirt a little of that in your bong, add a little bit of warm water and shake for 30secs to 1 minute and your glass is just like brand new, even the SMELL is gone. I mean literally like brand new. No resin scuffs, no smell no nothing. Just about every smoke shop sells it.

Formula 420 Glass cleaner at 1 Percent


1 word rice
Word! epsom salt and alcohol work great for pipes, but for larger pieces like bongs a few table spoons of rice with alcohol does miracles! Way better than epsom salt! Of course, you can't fit rice in a pipe unfortunately, so you'll have to stick w/epsom salt for the smaller glass.


Well-Known Member
this is what every smoker should have to clean any piece. 420 Cleaner works like a charm. Literally just squirt a little of that in your bong, add a little bit of warm water and shake for 30secs to 1 minute and your glass is just like brand new, even the SMELL is gone. I mean literally like brand new. No resin scuffs, no smell no nothing. Just about every smoke shop sells it.

Formula 420 Glass cleaner at 1 Percent
its just way to convinent to use. makes any bong look brand new in seconds.


Active Member
Dude, go to any local head/hookah shop and buy cleaner for it. The one I use is called Formula 420. It's 10 dollars for a decent size bottle and works like a charm. Cleans even the nastiest of bongs in a minute or so.