bong water


Well-Known Member
I hope not... then everyone will want my bong water. This is like the kids who shit in a bottle and let it ferment and huff it to get high.


Well-Known Member
I hope not... then everyone will want my bong water. This is like the kids who shit in a bottle and let it ferment and huff it to get high.
Hahahahaha... Lmfao.

Yeah I think there are better ways to try to get high then to drink your bong water... thats just gross.


Well-Known Member
dude drink it it tastes like shit i used to make my lil bro and his friend drink my bong water when we were kids he still swears to this day he has never been more fucked up in his life


Well-Known Member
now thats mad fucked up.....i porb would have done the same tho if i had a little bro that wanted to smoke hahaha.



Well-Known Member
back in the 70's we would sit on the beach and smoke a plastic bong. This homeless guy came up and asked if he could drink the bong water. We said ok, and he did. Wonder whatever happened to that guy............