
seems to me that putting a bonsai under lights would defeat the purpose of the whole zen aspect of it. unless it was a ganja bonsai. even then, it would be fun to keep a weed bonsai out in the open, in your living room or something, if you trained it well enough, everybody would be complementing you on your great looking plant =]

i agree. the problem with a ganj bonsai is it would be a very short lived bonsai. unless you kept it inside under lights vegging its entire life. you would be applying the bonsai techniques to the plant, trimming roots and pruning leaves/branches, heres a good link to use International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums - ALL ABOUT BONSAI MOMS/MUMS
but i dont think you could really call it a bonsai. bonsai are supposed to be grown like regular trees, outside under natural conditions. plus youre keeping it in only 1 stage of its life rather than letting it grow naturally.what DFunk has in his avatar and gypsybushs picture looks about like the closest you could come to having a ganj bonsai. japanese maples have leaves very similar to MJ's and make good bonsai.
and sorry in advance if i sound like an ass ive read alot about this.
for sure, a bonsai weed plant, in its truest form, would be nothing more than a novelty. If I grew a bonsai tree (which I want to) I would probably go Red Maple, those are awesome looking. Like a little bright red weed plant.
Here is an update of my flowering Bonsai... 3 weeks to go... 4 inches tall...:mrgreen:

What do you think about that???:weed:



Thanks Man...!!!

I think it's about 3 weeks out... and I am hoping for some decent smoke...

Maybe an oz???? that would be sweet...

I'm still trying to find the threads you were talking about... about your bonsai... but no luck yet... gotta link???


I'm not sure how to do links. The plant I grew isn't really a bonsai - it just came out really small due to conditions. The thread should be in the indoor growing section under the title Purple Fantasy(little lady). You can also find a thread in the harvesting & curing section called Is It Ready.
Now that is friggin' sweet...!!!!

Is it an older mother, just now flowering...???

What a beauty... +rep...

is that real? cause dude... who ever did that has some skill! I mean mad skill! I have tryed to do that and failed many times... Fuckin awesome!
Well K1ng, it could be... I guess....

Look at how thick my stems are... and how short my plants are... put that into proportion and mine would be 4 to 5 times thicker... and probably more woody than green....

But... it could be a fake... someone could very easily photoshop something like that... but I would like to believe that since this is a "real" cannabis forum... and not a computer enhanced photography forum... that it would be real...

Though... it would be nice of krunkpot to reveal the source of the image... reality or the "matrix"...

Krunk... you up...!!! lol...

I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's real... I hope it's...

Well... here are a few more shots of my Bonsai garden...









...and now for some size reference...

The whole tray is 12" x 18"...

Biggest plant, today, measures 6" tall by 13" wide...

.. and here is the bic lighter...




:leaf: ...a few more just for good measure... lol...:weed:




..and here is where it all started...

The plane and it's precious cargo...

First day at home...



Sorry to plug it all up with a bunch of photos, but there's not many places I can be proud of my ...

What do you think?..
