

I've tried this with several different plants but never marijuana. Anyone try this or have any tips or suggestions. The first pic is what I'm trying to accomplish. The others iswhat iI got going. I'm slowly bending it over and letting it even out.coco-coir-harvest-sm.jpgKIMG0461.jpg KIMG0462.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lol, I will try to help because no one else has been patient enough to deal with your question.

Google "bonsai cannabis," and you will get over 50k results. You can do this with mothers, or what you are doing is called LST? L

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
Awesome... Heard that bonsai techniques are used for the maintenance of mums but I have yet to put it into practice.


Thanks for the info and it really wasn't a question. Other than have you tried this. There is a lot of info on the net but I like the advice and comments I get here I get good ideas and alsotry and give some out . Thanks for your time


Well-Known Member
Seems to me that you would keep it as small (height) and trained as possible. Then flip to 12-12, let her do her stretch. ONce it is done, chop the tops down so that they are whatever height you want, and let them go. Seems like all the little larfy stuff would fully develop into main buds.

I have never tried, but that is how I would give it a shot..


Thanks bro. And I guess I should have said. I'm outdoors and not really trying to Go small just having fun and want a crazy looking plant. And sharing my experiment. I got the idea from my cousin in Nebraska. I guess they grow with a chain link fence on top and the buds come out the holes. So the choose can't see them. I'm not worried about that just thought it would be cool


Well-Known Member
The mainlining thread is anything but small and outdoors. Amazing the amount of abuse these plants can take.