boom and one plant gets too close to the sun!


Well-Known Member
Aero really speed up veg time? I veg for usually 6-7 weeks, would be nice to cut down that time.


I actually have two rooms, one for veg and one for flower. When I purchased the Aeroflo, there were dirt plants flowering. I planted clones in the aeroflo and they grew way too big, way too fast. I only needed max 2 weeks of veg. now they have exploded over the room!

so the 8 weeks of veg was way way way too long. And yes, the veg time can be reduced majorly!


quick picture update of Aero room 1


Never knew how different the aeroflo would be compared to good old fashioned dirt!



can u still crop ur plnt w/ that style grow? or would they like fall over because theres not something as strong as dirt holding them down.. basically can u keep short bushes by tying down still, or would it topple the plant out of its little tray ? or does the reduced footprint eliminate need to crop, tie down as much n make bushes because the roots don't need as much space so u just grow more plants focusing on main col ?