Boo's Boo's


Anybody else ever make little "booboo's" like this?

This happened 2 days ago when made a bit more tension to lst (preparing it for scrog topping and lst )
this is a bubblegummer strain and she is just coming up to be 2 months in veg, im giving her time to recover from this boo boo
and let the branches stretch outward a bit, the branches look thick enough to still be supplying water and etc, so should be okay hopefully.

Thoughts? how much longer do you think i should wait till i put it in flower?

i also have a bubblegummer plant im not doing anything to, to see comparison's in yield


Well-Known Member
I dunno,looks like a pretty nasty break.Keep it taped together and support the weight,and in 5-7 days it should be healed enough to support its own weight and if so then it would be ok in MY opinion to go ahead and flower.As long as your growth doesnt show any signs of wilting on those b roken branches it should continue to grow like normal.Things like that happen to plants in the wild and they recover and grow without any help from humans.So you should be ok.

Good Luck :)


Honestly its been Very surprising to me. The plant has shown absolutely no sign of stress from the break happening the plant reacting as if it didn't happen so i suppose that can be a good thing, and at the moment i have it tied up with some plant tie string stuff, but it still looks good for the most part, im excited to see the difference between the 2 plants, one topped and scrog, one just completely normal. IMG_0885[1].jpgIMG_0887[1].jpgIMG_0889[1].jpgIMG_0891[1].jpg